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10/27/07 10:17 AM

#8918 RE: cfoofme #8916

what's that matter stockbuilder ?
Don't you agree ???
Don't tell me you are an....INVESTOR ?
or worse yet, a wOrshiping investor.
First comes the LOVE then comes the
sorry man, but I just can't go down that
road with ANY of these pink/bb stocks any
more. One in a thousand ever amount to
ANYthing and scarier still is the number
of them that turn out to be outright SCAMS !
My point was that what ever TRDY ~MAY~ become
in the fuutre...
right now it's just another pig, rolling in
the mud with all the other pigs..happy to be
there I might add, as the lack of communications
from MANAGEMENT will attest ! (hehehe..) the last few weeks it's STARTING
to show it's wings and it REALLY looks to
me like it is going to actually get off the
ground and fly around the barn yard...a bit. MIGHT even clear the barn and end up
on it's way to the feekin MOON for all I know ?
BUT...the chances are...after a spectacular
display of arobatics, in all probablity, it will
slam SQUARE into the side of the barn JUST as
it's done so many times before...and in so doing...
CRUSH the hearts and dreams of all the loving
worshipers who refused to separate their emotions
from the HARSH realities of the market place.
If I might quote one of the greatest stock pontificators
of all time...Jim Cramer..."allow me to REitterate
Take your profits EARLY and RUTHLESSLY...and save
a few shares in your back pocket...just incase the
ugly duckling DOES turn into a swan.

PS...a lot of "long term" investors will be critical
of my bunny rabbit hopscotchin in and out of positions
all the time and I'll admit, in many cases I've jumped
right out of a nice long term gain because I took
short term profits. They are entitled to their opinions
and have every right to persue whatever strategies that
they feel the mOst comfortable with...
PERSONALLY...especially with these BLOODY pinks and bb
stocks...I prefer to hold them while they are going UP
and SELL them BEFORE they are going DOWN.
Instead of beating myself up for any lost profits or
money left on the table when the stocks turn sharply
against me, I'm managed to survive this long trading
these slippery pigs for two basic reasons...
I RUTHLESSLY take profits on EVERY TRADE, I NEVER invest
I have also adopted a STRONG averson to losing money.
"RED MEANS RUN SON...numbers add up to nothing"
This protects your downside to limited losses while
allowing your winners to make you the most amount of
money possible...
there is NO LAW that says you can't BUY THEM BACK when
they DO start to go up again...IF...they start to go up
again. Which would you rather do...lose a couple of
pennies off the upside, or watch your beloved stock
go down in fames...those of us who ARE long term
"INVESTORS" here will know EXACTLY what I mean !!!
In fact, TRDY has been INSTRAMENTAL in developing
some of my trading principals.
This is just the way that I see it...I'm not trying to
SELL you anything and so don't take offence if you don't
agree with my point of view.
AND, I might add, my sincerest appologies if you don't
find what I have to say ENTERTAINING in SOME way ?
My cat takes no offence...he has no problem dishin it
out as he has taken his fare share of abuse from an
vast assortment of...worshipers and love lorn...he is
now immune to their paintif cries of indignation, he
knows to well, the double edged sword of truth can
hurt, depsite the fact that it swings so many different
ways !

PSS...but then, if I might quote another great spinner
of words, Mr. Neil Young...."take my advice, don't listen
to ME !"
Make up your own mind...that way you have fewer people to
BLAME for your...folly.