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10/25/07 1:56 PM

#26164 RE: vegaman88 #26133

Geezus...I see you just keep getting dumber and dumber every day..

(The following is in reference to your slanderous drivel that got deleted)

How many times do you have to be told I never PUMPED that stock or ANY stock for that matter..(Tradeswapper even told you that..TWICE)..get it through your thick neandertholic skull already...I asked you to prove it many times and you continue to fail misererably.....give it up already!!

As for "why is he allowed to post here again?"...yep I asked that...but the rest of it you made up as a result of your fevered pre-pubesant wet dreams as you are obviously a very sick and LONELY little have a twisted obsession over something that you have no facts to back it up with..IE: labeling me as a "pumper" which is outwardly accusing me of illegal stock manipulation and it is simply NOT are obviously vengence minded because I whipped your sorry ass all over this go ahead...keep showing the world what a simple minded idiot you really are...all it does is give me even MORE ammo to further assist you in making a complete ass out of yourself..

Go ahead with your plans to slander me all over the internet like you have threatened to...just keep in mind that what you say CAN and WILL be held against are obviously painfully unaware that aliases on the internet CAN be tracked down and charged with libel...insults are one thing and I can trade jabs with anyone anytime anywhere...but posting false accusations such as you have is another story entirely...people have been prosecuted for such actions and the numbers continue to grow... best advice to YOU is to just shut your peter puffer and worry about your own little self....

You serve absolutely NO purpose so I see no sense in you coming back here and smelling up the joint as you are nothing more than a grunting..shit slinging..primordial knuckledragger...

POOF! gone!