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Bird of Prey

01/06/02 9:45 PM

#2001 RE: Mattu #2000

>>So how do you solve that, without kicking out potential assets to the community?

Good question.

I believe you took the first step when you suspended Joe and when you suspended her the first time. However, like children, you sometimes have to reinforce the behavior modification with follow up discipline when the offender slips or decides to test your resolve. I believe that MMMARY has learned that you will do no more than a quiet PM once she has raised enough ruckus, even though she's violated TOU all she get's is a quiet PM. So she knows she can bend the rules (up to a point) and she pushes for all she's worth, it won't take long before Joe gets the same idea. The Key to real behavior modification is consistant enforcement. Once you've had to suspend someone they no longer should have the privilege of the quiet "be nice" PM. They are a repeat offender and should be treated as such. Continuing or resuming the activities that led to the first suspension should be dealt with harshly. A second offense should yield a longer suspension. If you so desire a third suspension should be longer still. I prefer a three strikes and your out rule, But you may be more lenient than I would. In any case, at some point you have to decide if the users potential is viable. If it isn't you cut them loose.
If all it took was potential Ryan Leaf would still be the starting QB for San Diego. And if performance was based on potential Kurt Warner would never have completed a pass in the NFL.

One last thing... I consider being accused of running a pyramid scheme being called a crook. Especially when there is no evidence to support the claim. I would also guess that several other users here would agree that her use of the term "paid promoter" is the equivalent of being called a crook. And she has used that term inreference to a number of IHUB regulars, some of whom aren't even promoter's much less paid promoters.

The Bird of Prey
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01/06/02 9:53 PM

#2002 RE: Mattu #2000

Mary is more than welcome to post on any board i've started here, she is clearly a thinker and a capable communicator, and she stimulates thought with her posts ... now to say that is not to express an opinion on whether she's right or wrong on any or most or all points she makes, not at all .... actually i think in some of her general statements she lays it on a little thick about speculative stocks ... but likely the ones she has in mind when saying those things are the online cult driven ones that get pumped into distribution to young and naive soi-disant 'investors' through posting campaigns on ragingbull or yahoo ... the great majority of stocks, even of bulletin board stocks, rarely or never get talked about

Should Mary come along and say something about a stock i hold, one of two things will happen -
1. she will in the fullness of time be shown to be right ... well then hey, thank you Mary, good on ya, that's what it's all about isn't it
2. she will in the fullness of time be shown to be wrong ... well then wooo Mary, that's gonna look a little embarrassing on your record, isn't it

In either case i shall leave the post stand, to keep the record intact and meaningful, even if it contained something somebody might construe as a 'personal attack', within reason ... and as far as i can see, she is always well within reason [again - that is not to express a judgment on the truth of any specific thing she may say]

' I think everybody gets into and enjoys the fights, for some reason.' - lol, yes ... this was one of the first iHub threads i bookmarked, for that reason -g- ... years ago in the early days of SI when it was getting swamped by scammers pumping non-reporting bulletin board promotions and even pink sheets p&ds, i was new to the net and fascinated by the dynamics of how people could get sucked into crap like that ... spent a lot of time online, to the point where one day my wife blew up and said ok, you can stay online or you can stay married, take your pick ... seriously ... here's a relic of that era -
... but now the BB makes their 'listed' companies report, at least .... cheers