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10/20/07 11:02 AM

#6267 RE: enlightened1 #6266

Rick C has been around alot longer than you.


10/20/07 7:40 PM

#6269 RE: enlightened1 #6266

RICK, YOU SAY.................

I can accept all except this part-----And I am IN.
"However, for those of us who are IN, we really have nothing further to lose. We have suffered the pain. When you are at the
bottom, the only way now is UP. How far, is the only question".

What about getting DE LISTED. And it happens a lot.jmo.

Tell me, how many shares do you still own? I mean, if the company went belly up at the current price - how much more could you lose? 5000 shares is only $50. That is £25 hardly the price of a cheap meal out, for one in the UK. Even 10,000 shares is hardly the end of the world.

As for de-listing? From Pink Sheets?

Ask yourself, as I have tried to spell out, does not common sense dictate they would not have gone so far to let it fizzle
out, when they could have done it without doing a thing?

Come on Rick. I bellieve that SO FAR, the odds are in our favour that there will be an improvement in the share price at some point. How much, and how far, is anyone's guess. But I would guess that however much your shares are worth now, it could double without much problem.

You must be a gambling man to some extent, or you would not be in 'pinkies'. As such, you should see the odds are in an up direction in the near future if only to .02. I see, at least, .05
well you asked how many shares I currently hold-Just a Couple=
GWGO Additional Information

Transaction ID: 2813221XXX
Quantity: 12892000

TIME will reveal if it was wise to HOLD. I wish all of us the BEST of Luck .Rick c