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02/16/04 4:47 PM

#4109 RE: Art2Gecko #4107

Being a licensed Commercial Pilot, it certainly strikes me that a fighter jock sure gets a lot better grip on the big picture in a 'war zone' (..practice or otherwise..) since he's operating in a high-speed 3D environment encompassing the entire theatre of operations.

Meanwhile, an Army lieutenant commanding a limited number of troops in a jumgle can't see squat; besides what shows on his map of the quadrant.

I grew up in Panama, and we used to go out and harass the Jungle Warfare Training Center troops just for kix. I can damn well guarantee you that 100+ yards away from the TransIsthmian Highway you couldn't hear an 18-wheeler drive past. Add a load of mosquitos, jungle noises, snakes, rain, booby-traps, jock itch, wet feet, some hunger and a case of the "..miseries.." - and your interest in the BIG PICTURE goes away in a hurry.

Kerry is no more than a glorified Boy Scout Troop leader; he sure isn't any Commander in Chief based on his grossly limited Viet Nam experiences - medals or no medals.

Everyone knows that Floppy-ears Johnson (..and his pencil-necked geek Robert McNamara..) ran the Viet Nam war right down to the smallest details from the White House. Johnson quote, "..They can't bomb an outhouse what I don't say so..."!!!

Hence, John Kerry didn't have any more control over his existance or circumstances than the head punk in a knife fight in the Bronx.

John :-)