I dont recall anywhere seeing the term MRAP used by Torvec...
I even think the press release that Torvec put out in addition to the PR from Hillary and Lockheed martin said tactical wheeled vehicle program...The CEO update below specifcally states Joint Light Tactical Vehicle program....
The following is pasted below from the 9/4 CEO update..I'm sure you probably saw it but missed that part about the JLTV program...
"We have announced, in both our SEC filings and in prior CEO Updates, that we are working with a major military contractor to design and build a constant velocity joint specially-designed for integration in a vehicle the contractor is developing for submission in connection with the Department of Defense’s Joint Light Tactical Vehicle program, a vehicle designed to replace the Humvee as the military’s vehicle of choice for the 21 st century battlefield. We adapted our CVJ technology to increase the ground clearance to enable the vehicle to better withstand roadside explosives.