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10/19/07 7:44 AM

#33316 RE: boca_bobby #33250

Boca I agree that it is likely that the revenue projections are for the tools. But includes not only SpoozToolz but all the bells and whistles see chart 9. We better hope those projections do not include rev from 141 and other deals. But if they don't they should have. You say "Paul is a master at giving us the information we crave". Can't agree with you there. He has overstated more than once. That hurts and our own projections like all pennys are usually overstated in $ and time scale. That is the way of penny stock land. I am disappointed in the rev projections and do hope they are ultra conservative. After all we are supposed to be talking about a disruptive technology not just another trading software thrown into the mix. The revenue chart says SPOOZ REVENUE PROJECTIONS not just SPoozTools projection. Too bad they didn't make it clearer the point you are speculating. That being that the projections do not include other revenues streams that could very well exceed these projections. Or could it be that they meant what they said. They are SPOOZ projections and therefore include other revenue streams. We don't know for sure.

We were hoping that the presentation would bring us some really new and higher impact info. It didn't. What it did do was give us a realistic view of Paul plans. Already we are trying to overstate those plans. Each of us will choose whether we want to be conservative or more aggPaul is a master at giving us the information we crave. ressive about those projection and what they include or omitted. The conservative approach would be to that Paul's projections at face value and assume until further PRs show otherwise that they include all of SPOOZ not just SpoozTools.

I am no longer sure what Paul says is very conservative. I do believe that he thinks he is being conservative. But only the actual revs and meeting schedules and more importantly the market reaction will show which is the case.

As far as our speculation on IMMEDIATELY effect of EXPO on PPS we will know if which camp was correct. It certainly appears that it is not working out like some thought but we need to the middle of next week to be sure. Will some big money, thus big volume now immediately jump on the bandwagon. Or will they take their time and do more DD and or simply wait so Spooz to make more progress?

Will we be getting more significant (PPS moving) news in short order? Seems many think so. I hope so. If not that will be another indicator that we may need to pull in our reigns a bit. Lower expectations and give this more time than we thought would be needed.


10/19/07 12:00 PM

#33436 RE: boca_bobby #33250

Boca, LOL....OK .....OK .....OK so we will be taking the shuttle just a little longer until take off...