I have spoken enough to figure out that dealing with Russia is not a quick solution type thing. They are overly cautious about outsiders. Nothing gets done fast, and rarely gets done as agreed on in early negotiations. They need the technology, but are wary of partnering and losing assets.
I have spoken enough that I have decided to let it play out. If I lose everything, that was the risk I took going in. I still believe there is a chance of success. I am not one of those guys who believe the share pprice will rise above .10, at least not in the near future anyway.
And I probably have a greater dollar loss at this point than any of you guys. Been around this one for 3 years, averaged down several times. No more buying, but I am content to wait and see if Sam can pull it off. But SPRL is like any othe pink sheet and the odds are stacked against them, same as other pinkies.