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10/17/07 10:44 AM

#270919 RE: needdiamonds #270838

needdiamonds, you asked,

So what is the cause of the run if not NNS?

Trade-out agreements with MM's and the 100 million newly issued shares. Do you EVER see FANC as an MM unless insider trades are in play? This is exactly how the QBID PPS hit .028 in the bogus "QTN-is-QBID" stock promotion of 2004. If you'll remember, the stock promotion was timed perfectly with the last class of the VC's preferred coming off restriction. The PPS was artificially pumped to $.028 at which time the VC's exercised their supervoting & liquidation rights and proceeded to liquidate for ROI. The result was 5 a/s increases in 1 year, 350 billion shares in the o/s and zero bid. The dilution caused by the liquidation was blamed, of course, on NAKED SHORTING.
Here we have new posters who are posting about a CPPC "short squeeze". Be very careful when reading that kind of stuff. QBID was a different issue than CPPC. CPPC has a different ticker, a different cusip # and a different issuance of certs. You can't cover a QBID short with CPPC shares AND, if there was a QBID short, it has been reconciled to comply to Rules 17a and in the cusip#/cert/ticker change.
The "run" is due to the 100 million newly issued shares. 75 million are common. 25 milion serial preferred with undisclosed preferences. We have no idea how much private placement stock insiders, including the ABLE GROUP, rec'd. That stock could be used for inventory in trade-out agreements. The MM's will rip upticks with it to dump on and get a kick-back/commission of the profits. That is generally the case. Pinkie scammers generally blame the dilution on "naked shorting".

And why would CinEmaX not take advantage of the NNS in qbid?

First of all, CPPC is not QBID. CPPC is a different issue with a different ticker, cusip # & issuance of certs. Secondly, no one who has ever made the claim of "naked shorting" in QBID has ever proved it. On the other hand, the company liquidated for the VC's ROI. That is documented. 5 a/s increases in 1 year. 17a compliance and a new cusip # also prove the NNS claims moot. So, where do you guys get this "NSS" stuff? Where is your proof? How could shorters even have hit the bid during a liquidation where the VC's had liquidation preferences and were ripping upticks in trade-outs w/ MM's themselves to liquidate to zero bid? There is NO EVIDENCE of this "naked shorting". The VC's also owned an anti-dilutive 10% of the QBID o/s that they could use to HEDGE trading of QBID with. Those shares are often shorted naked and then used to cover with after they come off restriction or convert to common. That appears to have been the case with the VC's preferred shares. Thats why private investors, PIPE's, private equity funds, are called "HEDGE FUNDS". They generally provide financing to get stock to hedge their trading with.

Rule 17Ad-6

(a) Every registered transfer agent shall make and keep current the following:

(11) Any document upon which the transfer agent bases its determination that an item received for transfer was received in connection with a reorganization, tender offer, exchange, redemption, liquidation, conversion or the sale of securities registered pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933 and, accordingly, was not routine under § 240.17Ad-1(i) (5) or (8).


(B) For Ratification of the new capital structure of Triangle Multi-Media Limited formerly known as Integrated Health Care Inc. to authorize the corporation to issue 300,000,000 common shares at no par value, and to create a class of 20,000,000 Supervotiong Preferred Stock at a par value of $.001 per share and convertible at the option of the holder on a 10 for 1 basis with preferential treatment in liquidation.