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10/15/07 3:30 AM

#11241 RE: food4thought #11239

food4thought - First and foremost, I'm truly sorry if this board led you into making investing decisions you otherwise wouldn't have, and I appreciate that you aren't blaming anyone else for it.

I honestly could say the same... without the COR boards (Yahoo, then here) I would never have had the insight into COR to have made such a large investment in it.

However, personally, and this may sound crazy, but it's honest... I'm still glad for having found COR. I am down a ton of money on paper... a ton. But I've been through quite a few big swings with COR, and I'm going to put my efforts into figuring out how to dig out of this hole.

Everything should be a learning experience. I thought I'd had enough of them with COR, but here I am in the middle of another one.

When I look back at my COR investing history, there are a few mistakes/missed opportunities that leap out:

1) Not selling at least half my shares ahead of any binary event.

2) Not making use of options to protect my gains for the brief period of time they were available last year.

3) Not buying more "trading shares" when COR was at low points in the past, then not selling those trading shares for a nice profit each time the opportunity presented itself. I actually did do some of this quite successfully, just not nearly enough. And I also made the mistake of eventually putting those profits back into COR. Which leads to my last mistake...

4) Not remaining diversified. At times I was decently diversified, but then COR presented a good opportunity and I jumped back in, and lost portfolio balance again. The jumping back in usually was a good move when I did it, I just made the same mistake as #4 and didn't sell, take my profits, and re-diversify.

At this point in time, I want to see the same thing you do: "worst and best case scenarios to evaluate forward risk."

Pretty much all of my posting since the FDA decision has been geared toward trying to get a feel for what Cortex is likely to do next, and what kind of bad and good things can happen now.

On the good side, I think both SCstocks #Msg-23678164 / #Msg-23673674 and Zebra #Msg-23679713 did a great job of laying out the reasons to think COR may rebound.

On the negative side, lots of posts have talked about lots of pitfalls around COR right now. I'm hoping enemem has a chance to post his "COR is dead meat" list, that will give us a good start at the bear case list to consider for worst case scenarios.

My honest gut feeling right now... is that COR is likely to once again pull a rabbit out of the hat and sometime within the next year we'll see COR at $2 or $3. Zebra and SCstocks said it much better than I could, but my feelings go along with most of the points they made.

My best advice... keep asking lots of questions, figure out what is best for your portfolio, do NOT disregard all the bad things that can potentially happen to COR, keep asking questions and reading until you understand them well. But equally important, remaining as dispassionate as you can, carefully consider whether this might also be one of those historical opportunities to do very well in COR over the course of several months or a year or two.

Good luck to all of us - with continued shared efforts amongst ourselves we may be able to find the best investing decision to be made with COR.