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10/11/07 9:03 PM

#48271 RE: SiouxPal #48269

Wow .. Excellent article ... chilling .. ! . "..The people I am hearing from are conservatives and independents as well as progressives. The cardinal rule of a closing or closed society is that your alignment with the regime offers no protection; in a true police state no one is safe...

I read the news in a state of something like walking shock:
seven soldiers wrote op-eds critical of the war -- in The New York Times; three are dead, one shot in the head. A female soldier who was about to become a whistle blower, possibly about abuses involving taxpayers' money: shot in the head. Pat Tillman, who was contemplating coming forward in a critique of the war: shot in the head. Donald Vance, a contractor himself, who blew the whistle on irregularities involving arms sales in Iraq -- taken hostage FROM the U.S. Embassy BY U.S. soldiers and kept without recourse to a lawyer in a U.S. held-prison, abused and terrified for weeks -- and scared to talk once he got home. Another whistle blower in Iraq, as reported in Vanity Fair: held in a trailer all night by armed contractors before being ejected from the country.

Last week contractors, immune from the rule of law, butchered 17 Iraqi civilians in cold blood. Congress mildly objected -- and contractors today butcher two more innocent civilian Iraqi ladies -- in cold blood.

It is clear yet that violent retribution, torture or maybe worse, seems to go right up this chain of command? Is it clear yet that these people are capable of anything? Is it obvious yet that criminals are at the helm of the nation and need to be not only ousted but held accountable for their crimes?

Is it treason yet?.." .

Thanks .. SiouxPal .. ! so much keeps happening , daily and has been .. since the beginning of the gwb/dc et - Junta .. that , honestly we do need reminders of the crimes .. because .. there are just so many ,,, many are on going criminal cases .. .. some , as your article points out .. are just above the law .. or .. horror of horrors .. they are pushing , and all ready succeeded in some cases of signing stuff to makes themselves immune to past crimes and ongoing crimes .. .... I get to the point of overload .. in various ways ... and ...

It would be nice if the "we could join together" as it really isn't about partisanship .. as your article points out .. however .. all I see ... is partisanship 'hit' pieces - following after cr doctrine .. or people who hate everyone .. . & espouse violence .. . I 'm not trading one crazy group of ass hauts for another .. That's for Sure .. ! .. .. thanks Again .. !