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01/02/02 8:03 PM

#49 RE: Old Frank P #47

Yeah ... I hope this thread takes off... I'm so-so when it comes to FA on mining stocks - but not so bad when it comes to the oilpatch.

Well, that's a nice-to-have from my perspective. I'm just so-so when it comes to the oilpatch.

Thought provoking article....I hope.



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01/02/02 8:14 PM

#50 RE: Old Frank P #47

That's a very interesting perspective on the US economy, Frank. A good read, and a view with which I agree wholeheartedly. I hope the commodities market doesn't implode along with the US equities market over the course of the next year or so, though.

Yours in AU,

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01/02/02 11:44 PM

#52 RE: Old Frank P #47

' In the words of Richard Russell, it is a case of "inflate or die." Certainly the United States will take a 1970s economy over a 1930s cataclysm hands down.'

There's the choice right there, and clearly they've chosen the 70s stagflation over 30s deflation already, obvious with money supply and rate trends .... probably the best of available options, yes ... two things about 70s inflation, both from dim memory - 1. it took a while to show up, for all the money supply to have its full effect, but when it got going it really got going and was hard to stop ..... and 2. it was followed by deflation in a number of asset classes like precious metals and BC real estate, because to stop it they had to tighten money supply drastically and raise interest rates through the roof .... so while we should get a bouyant cycle out of metals, at some point they'll look just like US400 amzn paper, it'll be time to go to cash, in wait for the bonds and financial equities to get really cheap ... this point is years away yet though

Top picks eh ... well in terms of resources i'm holding, in order of value from most first, and not necessarily which will move first or fastest or most -

ngt.v - - hardly anyone ever talks about this one, but just watch management go to PDAC again and pep-talk the folks into bidding it up near double my mid-.40s winter additions - few talk of this one either, they're looking for financing, not getting much, but they will eventually and then look out - copper play, i've taken profit just recently, sold back to freebies, a little beyond actually [held aur since Dec '00 this time] - got in Oct-Nov on a bet that RCF wouldn't screw us too bad, might lose on that

ybr.v - somewhat serendipitous this one, over the summer i picked up a few based on the Corner Bay people on the board, no idea what they would do with the company, well now they are rolling, stock has more than tripled, i haven't sold a share, still looks like the story has legs to it ... thread for Boulder -

Then a whole melange - csl.v iau.v cnb.v ido.v ply.v swm.v dsp.v ... etc ... some only nominal positions, some just freebies left from playing previous spec cycles, some i've added to or gotten back into this winter ... play short-term sometimes, currently out