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10/10/07 10:32 AM

#15548 RE: GratziPrego #15545

Honestly, having read our board for some time should have known that, for at least 2 years, CREDIBILITY was and still is THE ISSUE with this speculation (wasn't it for that, this could maybe have been an INVESTMENT opportunity).

It's obvious to anyone wanting to read that MATIN CANNOT YET PRODUCE A NORMAL AUDIT.

He obviously did something wrong (illegal ???) and immoral in the past and he mismanaged the whole affair for a long time (INTEGRITY, stupidity, incompetence, naivity or any other reason, the fact is MATIN HAS NO CREDIBILITY).

Personally, I must say that it would take more than what you suggest ('some press release(s) showing that originally reported numbers agree with a forthcoming Audit report') to bring back some credibility to the stock. We do not need press releases, we need a serious audit, done by a reputed auditing firm, to be filed with SEC.

By the way if and when this happen, i do not beleive it will as you hope for, show that originally reported numbers agree with the Audit report.

All I now hope for is that a credible audit will tell us what we realy own and that this asset of ours will be worth (market cap) more than 5 or 6 millions (PPS larger than $0.20 or so).