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10/09/07 5:05 PM

#22547 RE: Harsh Words #22546

I just remember some of my conversations with Tom.

He hates dilution.
He did not take a salary from EDEX.
Why would he sell a share of stock when the fruit of the stock would be dividends.

My favorite in November, 2005 (about Mesa).

All the leases were paid for and drilling costs paid for. All he was waiting for was a rig.

Wow - what a batting average.

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10/09/07 5:32 PM

#22548 RE: Harsh Words #22546

HW, sounds like sou grapes IMO. That will cloud all your thoughts and IMO it has. Lets see:

Mesa drilled: Check
ND drilled: Check
Mesa completion paid for, and expected to be completed before the end of the year: Check
Lots of acreage tied up as promised in NM, ND, TX as promised: Check
Future Bright: IMO – Check.
Current SP? - in the toilet. No argument there, I even expect it to sink lower!
A temp. issue: IMO, yes.

Yes, at some point I expect the future to be bright, for EDEX to drill other locations in NM, ND, TX, and other locations. IF these happen, yes, we will eventually be a $9.00 stock and issuing dividends. I’ll be sure to remind you. I still don’t expect this for several years, but expect it I do should we drill what is on the current plate.

The difference between you and I is that I see and understand the future, I understand the current dilution and resulting SP, I’m not bothered, you are. I see possibilities, you see sour grapes.

However, I am calling you to rational thought and action. Are you still holding shares? If so, your own words betray you. Again, your words and actions are the opposite. I think down deep you know its gonna turn around and head skywards. Even if it takes time. If not, and you actually yourself believed what you are posting, you would sell, as any rational person would. So, which is it? Irrational? or just venting sour grapes? or both?, or none?

In addition, I sooooooo disagree with the remainder of you post, from research to your continued reverse split pumping. I’ll leave those to different sour grapes responding posts which may or may not be posted at any future date.

And yes, it still sounds to me like you have a personal vendetta against TL. Money has a way of doing that to some.