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10/09/07 1:31 PM

#24594 RE: AIMster #24593

Hi AIMster, Re: Posting Activity....................

Well, there's a marked difference in the number of unique visits to the web site since stopping the newsletter and IW details. On a monthly basis visits are off 38% in the first couple of months.

So, if this is also translating to fewer posts here at I-Hub, then we're going to see longer intervals of quiet here. I do still receive the occasional email from various AIMers, so I know they still exist.

I guess I didn't think the i-Wave was as big a drawing card for the web site as its now seems to have been. From the survey I'd done a while ago, I wouldn't have guessed that it was the main interest here.

It also could be a 'seasonality' thing with Sept and Oct. being slower months because of historical patterns. This year certainly breaks with the past as far as Sept's performance goes and October has been off to a good start.

I don't know if IHub's own posting rate has slowed. I guess we could check on that, too. It's been a long time since we were listed on the top 150 boards. Our typical score in the past was in the 200 to 250 range and #150 still shows a score of over 350, so it looks as though posting at InvestorsHub is still pretty strong.

I've often debated the strengths of both iHub and Silicon Investor. It appears that (with the exception of this board) iHub generally has a lot more penny stock and pink sheet investors than does Silicon Investor. SI tends to draw in more posts on larger cap stocks while iHub draws more of the smaller cap issues as posting hot spots.

iHub Top 150 Boards:

Silicon Investor Top 50 Investment Boards:

I've not checked the subscription cost differences between the two in a long time. Since they were combined I'd expected they would eventually be the same subscription, but don't know if that occurred. IHub still lets a lot of folks post for free (limited) but I don't know if SI allows that.

So, maybe a poll would be of some value. We had a large gain in posters when we moved to iHub back about 5 years ago because of the "free" posting. That's still in place. So, maybe if folks have an opinion it's time for them to make it known.

Best regards, Tom
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10/09/07 2:37 PM

#24595 RE: AIMster #24593

Re: "...I've a sense that the board is slowing down..."

Yer right. Like, what's to talk about during the hold period, unless you hear some good jokes you want to share? Right? I'm sure nobody wants to hear that my account was up .00017 today (or whatever). Makes for a 'dull' board (but a very profitable technique-- <don't go spreading that around, K?>)

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10/09/07 9:28 PM

#24596 RE: AIMster #24593

Hi Aimster Re Research

>>>Measured the time interval per 1k postings, and for the most part we're averaging around 1k posts per 95.25 days, with an exceptionally long stretch of 135 days between messages 20k and 21k (not included in the measurement). The current interval at 24k+ is 77 days so far, so we need the better part of 400 postings in the next 15 days or so to stay within the norms of the past few thousand messages.<<<

Me thinks you have way too much time on your hands >>>grin<<<

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The Grabber

10/10/07 8:10 PM

#24606 RE: AIMster #24593

Re: Posting activity.

Hi AIMster and others who have replied already.

The activity hereabouts and prior on SI has tended to wax and wain from time to time. And there has always been a core group of regulars who tend to post fairly often for a fair number of years. Although its 'members' have come and gone.

Who knows why? I've noticed that their activity slows considerably, then they just seem to disappear without explanation. Keith F (Lemonhead) being an exception. He told us he was moving on and why, although I think he still checks in from time to time.

And we have folks who seemed to disappear and then jump back in! Our Dutch buddies (Conrad and Karel most recently).

It also may have something to do with changes in their lives. That has been true with me over the last 3 months. New job (thankfully) and a long commute have forced me to change a lot of things from a time allocation standpoint.

However, I do keep up with the posts on an almost daily basis, and will chime in when I have something to say. I also will post my transactions if I have time along with my monthly updates (still need to get September to y'all).

Bottom line is that IMHO we ain't dead yet!

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Neil Scott

10/11/07 7:34 AM

#24608 RE: AIMster #24593

Hi Aimster,

Well, I had a call today from the people at Smart Investor magazine and they have arranged to interview me on the Monday so I'm going to give AIM a good plug.
I directed the interviewer to Tom's website to do some background research and I said I'd answer any other questions on the Monday.
So maybe I can cause a traffic spike, lets see.
Maybe this is my Andy Warhol 15 minutes :-))
I'm sure that things have quietened down because the real risk s in the market are not being recognised by a majority of investors, so, that being the case a risk management tool like AIM would be given low priority.
The Australian market is breaking yet more records 6779 is the new high. Each night we hear that the market is breaking new records. This will probably suck more people into the market and keep the momentum up, which is fine by me as it will give me the opportunity to sell my stocks to them.

