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10/08/07 5:52 AM

#296523 RE: seabass #296522

How 'bout some constructive dialogue
on something you said earlier...

'Ever stop and think about who share your views anymore before calling others idiots? I'm talking about the 28% who for the most part reside in a swath of rural farmland stretching from Texas to north Carolina, better known for the rate of high school dropouts than for intellectual sophistication.'


10/08/07 7:22 AM

#296525 RE: seabass #296522

LOL, curious you all of a sudden won't answer very simple questions. You've never shown any reluctance before w/ anybody on any subject

Why won't you answer if the holocaust is a myth. A very simple question for any person with any semblance of intelligence

Why won't you answer whether you think Israel has a right to exist?

Your refusal to answer speaks a lot louder than your usual vapid posts

But never mind, just make sure you keep those brown shirts neatly pressed in your closet


Having had contact with several people growing up who had numbers tattoed on their wrists makes me wonder at the stupidity of people who question the holocaust