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10/10/07 8:27 PM

#15011 RE: ListenToMe #15009

this sounds just like corey ribotzky !! « SRCI Message
By: AlanC
10 Oct 2007, 07:04 PM EDT
Msg. 1178177 of 1178179
(This msg. is a reply to 1178175 by calvinwinters.)
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By: rezurch
10 Oct 2007, 06:17 PM EDT
Msg. 89325 of 89325
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A great post from the Sedona board
.....thanks Lenofus....

By: lenofus13820

10 Oct 2007, 05:05 PM EDT

Msg. 18076 of 18076

"A mega naked short position that exists despite the fact that SDNA has never had listed options (which would enable the wicked market makers to naked short) and has never appeared on the SHO list. "

That's why they called it "grandfathering". If your postion was violated pre Jan 5 05, you no maka da list. But you knew that.

And, you well know that naked short positions in these stocks were created by PIPES deals, where the defendant would sign a nondisclosure deal, promise not to short sell, and would immediately, on execution of the document, naked short the company to infinitity knowing he'd get shares from the company. He then violated convenants, insider trading, as well as several laws from the '33 and '34 act which Patch could address. I believe that was comvered in the Civil Suits, but you knew that too.

By the way, October 18 in NYC, PIPES Conference, featuring Gary Aguirre and Patrick Byrne as guest speakers. You see, Patrick is keeping his promise of bringing everyone along, not just Overstock, who was not a victim of PIPES.

Anything else you need clarified?