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10/04/07 7:23 AM

#47899 RE: Nature007 #47898

I can't see that happening, Nature.

You are letting your imagination run away with you.

Do you mean: "until now"?

Your opening line is strange. Were you expecting to be paid by the company? If so, why? What services have you ever supplied to it? It's hard to know what to make of your cryptic messages!



10/04/07 9:13 AM

#47901 RE: Nature007 #47898

On your last point, Nature: CEO Peter Jacobs posted a full reply on that point which is on "Ask Amergence":
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Q: Can you post the Amerging Newsletter that was sent out on Monday, September 24, 2007? I missed it. Thanks.  (9/8/2007)

A: You bet. Here it is in its entirety. You may have to cut and paste the links to view them:
(Phoenix, AZ – September 24, 2007) The Amergence Group (AMNG.PK) recently received notice that Sony-BMG has withdrawn its $12,000,000 lawsuit against The Amergence Group. Amergence shareholders should know that our company had successfully engaged counsel to defend against this action in the event a complaint against Amergence had actually been filed. None was, and the summons (which is the precursor of a complaint in New York) was withdrawn by Sony-BMG.
For the past several years, Amergence has been contemplating action against Sony-BMG citing what we believe to be the music giant’s reckless introduction of a defective CD copy protection developed by a British company, First4Internet. It is indisputable now that the rootkit contained in the competitor’s copy protection sparked the myriad of lawsuits which followed the introduction of this defective technology. (
Because of the public outcry that ensued as a result of Sony’s use of First4Internet’s rootkit, the music giant discontinued use of all CD copy protection including SunnComm’s MediaMax technology, even though MediaMax has already been successfully used on over 25,000,000 compact discs without a single consumer action. SunnComm spent millions of dollars and four years tempering the technology in accordance to the wishes of BMG’s head of technology. Sony-BMG was even given direct access to SunnComm’s development team so that the process of making MediaMax technology more to their liking could be more efficient. We stand ready to proceed against Sony-BMG should they wish to reinstitute this action at a later time, which is their right. A footnote to this story involves Sony’s latest inclusion of yet another rootkit in one of their most recently-introduced products. ( . To us, this looks like a pattern.
With this lawsuit now in our rearview mirror, The Amergence Group will work toward rebuilding our originally stated business of attracting and acquiring specialized new and growing companies. Unfortunately, Sonic Mountain/, the company´s first intended acquisition, previously announced on June 11, 2007, requested and was granted, an annulment to its binding Letter of Engagement signed with our company. The annulment was a direct result of Sony´s initiation of this now-withdrawn lawsuit against Amergence. Although Sonic Mountain was forced to make other commitments since the lawsuit was announced, our company will continue to do everything in its power to help Sonic Mountain achieve their goals, and we hope that the relationship forged between the principles will endure and yield benefits to both companies in the future.
Last, Amergence has found a new office. We’ll be announcing our new address soon. While some of our staff was forced to find other work during this hiatus, we hope to win many of them back (as resources allow) and, by doing so, achieve enough momentum in order to regain the confidence of our shareholders and rebuild our company from the bottom-up. We’ve made it happen before against tremendous odds, and we can do it again – but we all need to stick together.
As evidenced by the “Amerging News” bulletin you’re now reading, we’ve got communication channel back open. Our shareholders can now expect periodic updates of our progress. As soon as we have the resources, we’ll, again, begin marking our progress with press announcements. My thanks to every one of you who have stuck with us during this incredibly trying time.
The very best from your Amergence team,
Peter H. Jacobs
Managing Director

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What else do you expect from PJ?
