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10/03/07 11:25 PM

#296015 RE: seabass #295992

Rash Limbo supported VA cuts during this "war".

He's the mindless fuktard that supported eliminating
social security.

He's also the delusional nimrod with half his brain in his
behind that supported emergency federal legislation
for a brain dead woman.

He's supported every incompetent Republicken
criminal and pervert in the GOP. He supports
them just by ignoring the crimes and incompence.
He will only trash NON Republickens & as the
GOP propaganda minister he is not allowed
to trash Republickens.!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Rash Limbo, the deaf delusional GOP water boy
is running out of GOP to carry water for!!!!!.

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10/04/07 6:56 PM

#296136 RE: seabass #295992

seabass... who do you think you're kidding?
David Brock of Media Matters is doing the spinning! And he's getting money from George Soros to take the heat off MoveOn. I think it's backfireing.