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10/03/07 7:12 AM

#295807 RE: seabass #295795

Posted 85d ago Typical of your posts. Don't you think that the success of the surge might have changed the opinions of rational folks ( hint, that excludes YOU ) ?

Right, we all know that Congresspeople don't pay attention to what their constituents want.

Why have the Dems repeatedly refused to act consistently and cut funding for the war NOW?

IT must be because of their love for Bush and not wanting to embarrass him, right?

Maybe they, in spite of the bleating from the whiny left realize it would create a bloodbath and would have long term catastrophic consequences

The surge HAS worked in spite of your and Reids reports of failure even before it was fully staffed

It created the possibility for political stability

To leave now would be folly. The Dems realize that. Only moonbats like you refuse to accept that reality.

The dismal poll ratings is more related to the fact that all the dems are concerned with is playing politics to play out their BDS. WHat ahve they even attempted to accomplish? Their whole focus has been investigations and creating material for soundbites. The best recent example is the flap over Rush's statemen that they distorted and attempted to make an issue of. Truly pathetic , but typical of why COngress is held in such low esteem

Also, the right/center goes to more than one issue. There are many social issues where that designation is accurate. Somehow, those "rural people in the south" still manage to swing elections