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10/02/07 10:02 PM

#12892 RE: onevdinger #12889

Okiwin did and here is the rough translation..

First this and notice it doesn't say the 8th of anything in the original article..

"Arturo Garci'a Cochran, manager of Marketing research and Communication, confirmed on the other hand that both services will begin to offer themselves as of the next week '

Thanks Okiwin..

Kinda Sorta Crude but Translated nevertheless...Enjoy!

Telnor lance campaign and two new services
It maintains the leadership
Author: Feliciano CASTRO LOYA

TIJUANA.Telnor sent yesterday to its new campaign 2007-2008 and with her two new services: Iris, a communication assistant that will receive voice orders to make calls, to see or to send electronic mails and “Telnor without limits”, that allow to contract by a rent fixes all the services of communication, with limitless local calls and of long national distance and Internet Infinitum of up to two megabits.

“The new campaign emphasizes our leadership in Internet and our extensive portafolio of services of telecommunications outposts, we want that our clients know that we are focused in continuing fulfilling our promises, it jeopardize with the honesty and dedicated to promote the new services that will mark the difference in their lives”.
Thus Luis expressed yesterday Antonio Villanueva Go'mez, director of Telephones of the Northwest, during the vespertine ceremony conducted yesterday in the Rustic Club of Tijuana, where before special mass media and guests, this corporative one, who have cover in Baja California and part of Sonant, he announced a new advertising campaign.
Villanueva Go'mez presented/displayed the new service Iris, who became well-known by the mediatic campaign based on the question “ Who is Iris? ”; she explained that Iris represents an advance without precedents in the world of the land of the recognition of the voice, since is a personal assistant of communication that will receive voice orders and it will be in charge to make calls, to see or to send electronic mails by means of any telephone line.
Also, she introduced the service “Telnor without limits”, which is a package by means of which they will be able to contract itself, by a fixed rent, all the services of communication that offers this corporative one: telephone line with limitless local calls and of long national distance, all the digital services and Internet Infinitum until of two megabits.
Arturo Garci'a Cochran, manager of Marketing research and Communication, confirmed on the other hand that both services will begin to offer themselves as of the next week; he detailed that at the moment which this company has 715 thousand telephone lines and near 150 thousand users of Infinitum in the region, in addition to which 30% of the houses have a computer proveída by this corporative one.
In interview, it added that the new campaign looks for to emphasize the technological advances of the services which offers Telnor, after which it happened to be a traditional company of telephony to a company of data and leader in services of Internet, in addition to which already it is prepared for the multimedia as soon as the regulation allows it.
“This initiative reinforces the transformation of our services of telecommunications, from the voice, the Internet of high speed and arrive to the services multimedia, thus Telnor helps the people to connect its worlds, where they live and where they work, we are that bridge that unites to us”, insisted on their speech Luis Antonio Villanueva Go'mez. (fcl)

If it wishes to evaluate the note, please it provides its key user and in the right superior part.
