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Jimmy Quick

10/02/07 6:26 PM

#210 RE: xxplatinum #208

Obviously, that would mean that Edward doesn't have your email address. Damn, that was hard to figure out for you. Any other simple questions I can answer for you.

Just to make you look even more like you don't have a clue what you are talking about. Here was one of his mass emails. And those are all of my responses. LOL yah, OK. All of the the emails from CEO to shareholder in the IBOX are his mass emails to the shareholders. Hence Emails from CEO to SHAREHOLDERS.
Shareholder email: Appreciation
Dear Fellow Stock Holders:

Following my e-mail I received numerous replies appreciating my effort. I want to thank you all for being patient with me and only GOD knows how hard I try to make this company successful. I am now even more committed to ensure we become successful. Here are some examples of the appreciations I received.

Dear Mr. Tan,
Thank you for the update! Although I am unfamiliar with the listing process, I am not in a hurry to see the active trading of the company. I wish to achieve strong fundamentals... a strong foundation before we jump the gun to listing. I know that you will not be pressured by the investors, but will focus on the ingredients that will solidify the success of the company. The prudent investors will be patient.
Best regards to your success!

Two sayings come to mind:
"Good things come to those who wait", and "Timing is everything". We have all waited a long time, and it would be foolish to rush to listing at the wrong time. I say let's wait a little longer and do this right, and then everyone becomes a winner. We don't want to be a penny stock any longer than necessary, and get on the NASDAQ as soon as possible, which will lend a great deal of credibility to this company. We have to trust you that you will pick the optimum time for listing. You have my blessings to pick the right time, and I hope the other stockholders won't pressure you into doing something that will hurt all of us.
I appreciate your hard work and guidance.

Dear Mr. Tan.
Please do not take time to reply. None is necessary.
I'm in no hurry to have shares issued.
I have been investing for a number of years now and have always been aware of the risks. If other shareholders didn't understand the risks, then they shouldn't have invested.
In that time, I have owned stock in several companies that just shut their doors without appearing to make any real effort to save their business.
You seem to be making every effort to make yours work, and I can only admire and thank you for that.
If things work as well as you expect, then I will congratulate you. If things don't go as well as you would like, you should still be proud, and I will still congratulate you for your effort.
And if you go on to even bigger and better things, then I will follow you anywhere because of the trust and respect you will have personally earned from me.
Thank you for the updates.
Take care, don't neglect your personal life, and Good Luck to you.

I am all for waiting, after all patience is a virtue. I agree that we need to increase our revenue prior to listing.
Keep up the good work!

My sincerest thanks for your incredibly hard word and for taking the time to keep us updated through emails.
I am in no hurry to have our company go public. Please proceed as you feel correct, I trust your judgement completely.
It continues to be exciting to be a part of your excellent business efforts.
Best Regards;

Dear Mr. Tan,
Thank you for your latest message. For what it is worth, I am on your side. I don't see any good reason to rush into a public offering if we end up being a Penny Stock. I would vote all my shares to have us wait until a substantial amount of revenue has been earned, before going public.
With assurances of my highest esteem, I remain,

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10/02/07 6:54 PM

#211 RE: xxplatinum #208

I started to get emails only a short time ago and all I had to do was ask to be put on the email list so once again you spread only lie and are deceitful.Be honest for a change why do you hate this company so.