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10/01/07 11:29 AM

#30741 RE: JohnIraq #30740

gets a wow! interesting argument on both sides. Mr Berman take a deep breath and relax, "calm is the order of the day"

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10/01/07 11:56 AM

#30745 RE: JohnIraq #30740

seems he don't like being put on the spot.

Did i read that correctly/...if were not in the usa our thoughts dont count?..or were not allowed to own rsds?.....or were just plain frauds?

okokok enough of this tripe, basically what i am reading here is another attempt to discredit the minds on ihub.

while on the surface that might be a grand idea towards saving this planet, it appears to me that he is bullying you guys around a bit.

Rather than answer the obviously glaring questions you posed , he avoided that to a great extreme. Pehaps he was reserving those answers for the ihubber ir idea.

and another thing, why is he trying to put words in your mouth.

That rambling on about the dewatering issue is most entertaining, he knows damn well what happened, he got the same documents you did.

To pretend their meaning is anything else than what those docs state is simply marvellous and amazes me in it's juvenilism.

Exactly like a kid with his hand in the cookie jar....

what? me?

Your attempt to mediate this matter deserves huge praise, I would have read him the riot act after the first bs response.

Like popping the skullcap off the monkey to see "whats going on" this is one research scientist saying, whoah.....foul, ...interesting...but foul.

I am not liking the looks of this ceo one bit, he has some major reconcilliation to get dealt with, regarding him and his shareholders,

and this is how he responds?

makes whats this about him insulting you and your wife?

whats next your mother? lol

briboy- now maybe you can see what i have been trying to convey to you for a long time now.

this is a very telling day indeed, thanks john.

as for aware?.......if he ever pulls his footout of his mouth, the sound of the sucking wind from the vortex of redemption will no doubt silence his beckoning cries.

any of you other folks still loving the attention we are being given...behind closed doors?

sounds to me like business as usual, this is bermans buggery by the books, chapter three, stalling the stampeding sheep!

When we last observed our native sheep in their natural habittat, they were silently chewing their cud, in anticipation of the next sheering foree!!

Be sure to cover their bleeting with threats of slaughter, and run the blade of dilution through their bellies just before feeding times,

quite the story this is turning up to be.

nothing worng with this bri?...pffffftttttttt

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10/01/07 12:17 PM

#30749 RE: JohnIraq #30740

What's your point, do you own shares?
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10/01/07 12:59 PM

#30751 RE: JohnIraq #30740

I knew you were the right person for this John. Intellectually you have articulated some very good points and in a very professional way. Honest and straight forward. In fact John this is the way conference calls work and are meant for.

Its a shame that he chooses to get on the attack and attempts to misdirect your questions into something other than he directly answering you. He actually does this to avoid the focus given this as he tries to shift things away from what he is doing or not doing.

You have given him and opportunity to redeem some of the support that had been given him, solely on what he was telling us.

His actions every step of the way shows his disinterest in investors other than getting to their dollars.

He has to be one of the rudest people I have ever communicated with. The inference of his tone to me was accepted as a threat regarding several issues of my concern.
In particular when I opposed him to belittle my intelligence of what we all know is occurring here and has been occurring here........He is dogmatic in his approach and with his reponses to investors. I even got the impression that he thinks he his deserving of investors dollars.

If this guy was making investors money hands over fist he then may have earned some rights to be obnoxious at times, but when he has lost investors money, hands over fist, due to him selling continuously into this market, and makes the attempts to push this blame on everyone but himself says alot about his character.

There is no dealing with someone like this accept through legal means....and this may eventually be the call.

Thanks John for the time you have contriubuted in making attempts to find a rational being at the end of this investment who claims to be leading us to some rewards.

The share count and the pps and the back to back 504's says more than he ever could........all his actions tell me he wants to be able to keep doing this and operate with immunity. When he can't he is more than willing to display a tantrum.

I gave him my name and address and telephone number. I don't hide from people who I think has defrauded me or other investors. He may even come to know me a little better than he may have ever wanted to considering the money we are all talking about here. He goes out of his way to be argumentative, and he must think he is the only one with reserves to get angry and in his case he doesn't have that right but he needs to learn humility.

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10/01/07 1:17 PM

#30754 RE: JohnIraq #30740

These replies by the CEO make the situation plain -
To even the most fervent former BELIEVER.
Bickering between Shareholders over "Shades of Grey"
is a WASTE of TIME
These REPLIES should also -

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10/01/07 1:20 PM

#30756 RE: JohnIraq #30740

So have you verified with the CEO that you are a shareholder?
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10/01/07 1:22 PM

#30757 RE: JohnIraq #30740

That is bloody hilarious! You should be forwarding this crap he spews to the SEC for sure.

Berman is such POS its not even funny!!
"If you are not a current shareholder, you better have a real good explanation for what you are doing."

"That is what I thought. You are not a shareholder and you are a fraud. Apparently you do not live in the United States. Youa re not an American citizen and you do not want to disclose your identity and the con you are trying to run. It will not work at RSDS. You are still subject to SEC Violations. Until you identify yourself, I will not recognize you. Until then you have been outed as a fraud."

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10/01/07 10:47 PM

#30778 RE: JohnIraq #30740


"If you do not think your inaccurate statements have had a deleterious effect on RSDS stock, then you do not have the capacity to communicate with me.

you should have responded with

"If you do not think your
misleading statements in your press releases,
or the manner with which you relate to your shareholders,
or the rampant dilution via 504's,

have had a deleterious effect on RSDS stock, then you do not have the capacity to run a pubco"

good lawd, this man has no clue, none whatsoever, I can hardly believe he actually thinks he is blameless for the current state of the stock, and it's price, unbelievable.