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09/30/07 2:37 AM

#14378 RE: bikerider99 #14375

you seem worried about this cert call thing ? only people that should be worried about the certs are the brokers and shorters. no long term investor should have any worries getting certs if they so choose. how many investors do you speak for who lost confidence ? none I know of have. care to elaborate ?



09/30/07 2:46 AM

#14379 RE: bikerider99 #14375

hey bike maybe john doesn't want that info out for reasons of that getting into competors hands or someone who can make more trobble than we already got, might be a lot more value around that gold mine than we think, got to make sure all lose ends are tied so there can be no take over or problems, and how can you calulate the production, cost, revs or anything else, till mining starts, also this would of got off the ground a lot sooner if the stock price wasn't taken down, remember the stock crash here.


09/30/07 2:59 AM

#14380 RE: bikerider99 #14375

appreciate the chit chat. have to thank you. you made me realize tonight not to wait until i am finished buying to get the certs for the shares i own now ASAP. writing my letter tomorrow for the shares i own now, and will have my next certs sent when i have finished buying. thanks for the assistance.
