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Mr. Zen

09/29/07 5:10 PM

#990 RE: dragan7 #989


I have apologized to you in the past and I will apologize again if I have to for the outbursts.

The reason was that the story from you was not the same as the story from the company.... so now who has the truth???

We could go over it issue by issue and will probably see many shortfalls by the company..

There was no conspiracy (that I know of) to drag the share price this low, just the incompetence of a CEO with more ego than brains...

So now who do we trust within the company??? the answer for the time being is NO ONE!!!!

If you listen to the company they have leaned out the overhead and are heading to profitibility... If you listen to the disgrunteled ex-ceo the financiers are going to take the company private... At this point no one will be trusted until actions come out.

If you believe the company is about to die there is evidence that it will happen. If you listen to the latest reports you will hear a different story..

Perhaps the next press release will show the direction of the company, becuase it sure will not come from the 10-k that was supposed to be finished on time...

Personally I have taken the biggest gamble ever with my penny portfolio and now have 3x's the shares I had 4 months ago. That is not something that anyone should do unless they can afford to lose it all.