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09/29/07 2:09 PM

#24555 RE: Neil Scott #24553

and asked for my contact details so they could do a possible interview for the Smart Investor magazine to talk about AIM.
If it comes through I might be able to raise the profile of AIM and Mr Lichello's other great tool Twinvest. It still amazes me that it has not taken over from Dollar Cost Averageing as the way to enter into investments with less risk.

Hi, Neil,

Congratulations - you not only found the babe, but you got her attention and you're on your way to becoming a magazine-star celebrity! <GRIN>!!! I mean, my dad's ex made People magazine a few months back as one of the 100 most beautiful women over 50! When she showed us the magazine, I told her: "Well, not only did you make the magazine, but you made the centerfold as well!!! Along with about 49 of the other winners of the contest, all headshots, y'know, but hey, she's in there!

Seriously, if the do a follow-up interview and they post a copy of the article online someplace do let the rest of us know about it.

Dollar-cost averaging is the default system around for I suppose the simple reason that most people know about it, it's easy to explain and work. I don't think most people tend to think outside the box when it comes to a question - how could something that's already been made so simple, be done even better? Lichello's gift was to question the obvious, and for that we've been rewarded. But I think Lichello's ideas are lumped into a minority "cult following" grouping, where the most prevalent doctrine is to cut one's losses short and let profits run... run, that is, until they run out! So, go forth and boldly evangelize - you might just help some people save their savings!



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jersey al

09/30/07 5:12 AM

#24556 RE: Neil Scott #24553

Interesting comment ... that there were few younger people present.

It may be that younger people find the field of "finance" [however defined] to be too complicated, with too many variables, and unable to pick up ONE SINGLE thread with which to begin a quest for information.

Some of those "younger folk" think I'm an old fart (technically, I am), but when I get into one-sentence-summaries of why this company or that company is doing well or not well, they get dazzled after the first twenty or thirty examples.

None of the winning (or losing) CEO's is a household name. Utterly forgettable. But important, nonetheless.

And there are more scams [and sometimes just plain bad luck or lack of common sense] out there than you can count; and all the government regulations in the world can't prevent or fix them; in fact, the government is at the root of some of them, even if well-meaning. [If a government accounting rule is so complicated that the company officers spend more time filling out government forms than they do managing the company, then the government is not helping.] [I could tell you stories.]

So, you raise an interesting point. Apart from the "mattress fund", in which younger folk just keep their carefully hoarded and sequestered savings in a money market fund because they just don't trust anything else, it is difficult for younger people to know where to begin. To invest wisely and to avoid pitfalls.

Maybe the key word is "investing wisely" and wisdom takes years ... nay ... decades ... to acquire.

And meanwhile the younger folk are simply trying to learn their day jobs and to raise families.

In my case, totally by "accident' [actually, it was Divine Intervention ... no joke], I found out about Mr. Lichello and his AIM system.

As one book stated in the intro: "Life is difficult; but once you realize that life is difficult, then it is no longer quite so difficult."

Keep fighting the good fight of faith. [ paraphrase from St. Paul ]

Best regards,

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09/30/07 7:17 PM

#24558 RE: Neil Scott #24553

Hi Neil, Heck, next you'll be telling us that you're flying into NYC to do a segment on CNBC!!!

Thanks for the update.

Best regards, Tom