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09/28/07 1:09 PM

#54158 RE: BigB #54156

lol. I don't know what motivates me today to reaffirm my article of faith about this stock. A long while ago, I concluded that it will all come to pass, the Skolnick vision on record for anybody to research in the radio interviews going all the way back a few years now, in written interviews more recent, etc. Of course, the timing has been off, by a considerable amount. But the vision stands. A "real" biotech finally breaking out of the penny share price range, selling this DNA building block product, moving along to the start of clinical trials for one drug, then others. I see the ground breaking on the new headquarters as a milestone. In these public interviews and addresses, he kept bringing it up while so many of us on this board concluded long before that it was an ill fated idea, that we would never have the money to make it happen and besides, there was no need. But HE kept mentioning it when he surely did not have to in these interviews. And now, we have ground breaking. And so too with the goal of drug development when all posters here were focused on our synthesized DNA product. He kept bringing up herpes and other products. He didn't have to. This leads me to think that this too will happen. Eventually. I have always felt and continue to believe that the vision will come to pass - eventually - and when it does, the value of our share price will be substantial - and I will have that condo - - somewhere - bought with the proceeds.