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09/27/07 8:23 PM

#10423 RE: Fred Kadiddlehopper #10420

Fred - Dr. Stoll said that Cortex quickly was contacted by more than one company after the RD patents and Alberta findings were announced.

He said those companies immediately grasped the implications of a drug with the safety profile of Ampakines being able to reverse/prevent RD.

Factor in Dr. Stoll's comments (end of this post) in the CC about RD and my answer is: Yes, this indication has *absolutely* a very strong chance at resulting in a partnership deal for RD.

Actually I think the RD indication provides a very viable backup strategy to Cortex if the FDA for some reason decides to play hardball with the ADHD indication. RD won't prevent the pps from getting hammered if there's a major snag in the ADHD IND, but it may provide a life preserver in a few months to rescue the pps. The RD logic is a key part of why I decided to roll the dice big time on the IND decision and hold through it.


Dr. Stoll quotes on RD from the CC:

"There are just a large number of areas where we can look to treat RD with Ampakines."

"I feel that this opportunity is perhaps one of the most important opportunities that have developed for Cortex in the Ampakine technology since I've come to Cortex."

..."some of the uses open up development pathways which up to now weren't available to Cortex. Namely the ability to test our drug in acute use therapies."

Advantages for acute use therapy:

Shorter trials

Less toxicology

Pathway to very rapidly move a compound forward... to an NDA submission