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09/27/07 2:21 PM

#294984 RE: yayaa #294974

"Democracy is the Tyranny of the Majority" - Thomas Jefferson

I pledge allegiance ... and to the republic for which it stands ...



09/27/07 3:52 PM

#294988 RE: yayaa #294974

>>>We are a Republic,NOT a Democracy.<<<

banana...if you don't mind. plain republic was abandoned 7 years ago.

"Judge says Bush administration's Katrina policy unconstitutional

"A federal judge struck down President Bush's authority to designate groups as terrorists, saying his post-Sept. 11 executive order was unconstitutional and vague.",2933,232605,00.html

Federal Judge: Bush Abortion Ban Unconstitutional

A federal judge issued a stern rebuke of a key White House antiterror law, striking down as unconstitutional two pillars of the USA Patriot Act."

"A federal judge on Thursday ruled that the U.S. government's domestic eavesdropping program is unconstitutional and ordered it ended immediately."

"The Supreme Court yesterday struck down the military commissions President Bush established to try suspected members of al-Qaeda, emphatically rejecting a signature Bush anti-terrorism measure and the broad assertion of executive power upon which the president had based it.

Brushing aside administration pleas not to second-guess the commander in chief during wartime, a five-justice majority ruled that the commissions, which were outlined by Bush in a military order on Nov. 13, 2001, were neither authorized by federal law nor required by military necessity, and ran afoul of the Geneva Conventions."


09/27/07 5:23 PM

#294992 RE: yayaa #294974

OK fine there is no such thing as a democratic republic, and apparently we aren't one. Alert the US State Department and tell them to take that shit off their web site. Better yet call them names.


09/28/07 12:57 AM

#295014 RE: yayaa #294974

Is that SortaMoron still playing a fool?

LOLROTF! What a mental disorder!

It's a REPUBLIC, liberal genius!