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Harsh Words

09/21/07 10:52 PM

#22315 RE: Tdog64 #22314

Hate to have one "basher" showing signs of agreement with another alleged "basher", but since the SP has already spoken loud and clear following the latest News Release, I'm afraid agreement with your assessment can't now be labeled as destructive and the cause of the price dropping (again).

This week's PR was typical, with zero commitment of confirmed results. "Testing INDICATES that this well MAY BE CAPAPLE OF producing crude oil at the rate of 250 BOPD." Then the authors quickly direct attention to the original 1993 discovery by Conoco in the same AREA, with production numbers of some wells between 1,000 and 2,500 BOPD.
In other words, if this well that EDEX has purchased a 6% interest in produces absolutely nothing, then "Management HAS STATED NOTHING IN WRITING THAT IS FALSE OR MISLEADING."

Another gem: "The company has AGREED to participate in the drilling of 13 wells in Stark County, with a working interest of 33%." Again, zero commitment or hint of evidence of HOW it will, or could actually accomplish participating in those wells.

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09/22/07 12:43 AM

#22317 RE: Tdog64 #22314

And what pretell did I share as FACT that I got over the phone? (The answer is nothing. Please reread my post.) The truly goofy part is that you even admit it yourself: "What facts?"

Whatever facts that I did post can be verified by independant research. (Hint: SP, and that no insider has sold, oil production.)

Please re-read my post. Last time I checked, questions are not facts.

Your post makes no sence. Further, it then pretends to jump inside the mind of Tom and the BoD and proclaims to know what they are thinking and their deep secret motivations.

Wow! Amazing! You should put your ability to know in secret to good use in the stock market. You would make a killing. Or maybe you actually really have no clue, are truly guessing and lost money. I bet you lost $$.

Anyway, back to my facts and questions. Re-read my post, figure the difference between the two, meditate on it if you need and you will eventually see.

Wishing you the best.

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09/24/07 11:35 AM

#22330 RE: Tdog64 #22314

I agree facts are in writing,opinions are rumors till confirmed.I don't mind rumors but facts I believe,and as we've seen Tom can confirm these if he wants,or Clayton.I don't like the idea that one person can call and get a story then post it here,that almost seems ethicaly wrong,inside info?JMHO,We need some facts soon,production numbers,then I'll lay my money down.