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09/21/07 4:39 PM

#1009 RE: Lone Clone #1008

New Union With Canada And Mexico: Open Borders For US -

Kemess Decision Increases Uncertainty, Could Lead to Investment Flight -

its the 666gov. strategic devilz work to introductions -
of AMERO - owg = one world gov. - to bs and tick of all
people - to make all to agree about AMERO - owg -
its only one more 666 bolshevikz terror 9/11 to kill off -
American Freedom and Liberty -

New Perimeter Border Around Three Nations -

To "Streamline Traffic" Into USA -

a new fiatzbuckypaper? -

it may wipe out a lot pensions for the people? -
many oldy will have to go back to slave works? -
at mini pay? -
to gypsy ussr devilz -

The Ameros Are Here - with fire works -

Its time to fight the bolshevikz 666evilz -
and buy all of NXG to make the 666nss banksterz
shortz devilz to dive for cover! -

Got NXG Gold Mines Safety -
The Largest Gold Producer in BC -
The lowest cost Gold Producer in the mining industry -

Imo Tia
God Bless