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09/18/07 1:52 PM

#293919 RE: seabass #293898

if that damn liberal press hadnt lied to us and allowed that perception to become validated, we wouldnt be having this conversation.. that damn liberal press is to blame... they lied to the american people and never challenged those in power trying to tell the people the truth even though those in power did all they could to infer connection just by saying the two entities in the same sentence...

blame it on the liberal press for that 30% crowd being so easily misled...

or is the myth about a liberal press also a lietoo? another deception the idiots fall for... lets face it.. theyre always going to be idiots...

one thing is for certain, we dont have enough strong voices out there portraying the facts in the media... some dont want the fairness doctrine returned, but without it we will have these lies provided as news and not the opinions they really are... and i hear murcdoch is interested in buying the ny times... things arent changing theyre getting worse... and i have no idea how to stop it... its an out of control train and will have to crash before anybody does anything... i think this is what the cons want... total destruction of our govt...


09/18/07 10:39 PM

#293994 RE: seabass #293898

You think that figure is higher or lower than the amount of people who think Bush put bombs in the WTC?