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09/18/07 11:53 AM

#25521 RE: learningboutinv #25518

I don't think you would want to hold that QID position. That was smart. Thanks for that chart. I just need to be confident in my analysis. I have actually made more good calls than bad. It's when I don't follow my plan that I get in trouble or when I jump the gun.

My plan today was to buy QQQQ at 97.85 and I did not. Even if I just scapled it, I am up $100 this a.m. for an 30 minutes of work. I won't chase it now. Hey, how about that, a good decision...or so it looks right now.

Mixed signals:$COMPQ&p=D&yr=1&mn=0&dy=0&id=p80961842678

Talk about indecision:$COMPQ&p=W&yr=3&mn=0&dy=0&id=p60395841341