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Replies to #52375 on Biotech Values


09/16/07 10:06 PM

#52376 RE: acgood #52375

This topic has nothing to do with biotech. Anyway, teachers work less hours a day, get holidays and summers off and have good health insurance and get retirement. They are unionized and can strike. Their lobby keeps the private competition at bay by fighting the tuition voucher issue to private schools. In pennsylvania thay are paid well. In my area they start about 40k and end up 60-75k a year. Thats more than the average family income in this location which is only 33k. Their jobs here are very political. Appointees have to be connected and the powers to be have been known to ask for favors or cash in return for a job. The appointments are not always given to the most quaified. Once in the system your set for life. I dont begrudge them what they make just sharing some observations.

I know i made less money than my teacher friends during my residency some of whom are now retired. I also accrued a considerable amount of educational debt . The six porsche guy mentioned elsewhere here is an exception. The docs at our va hospitals, academic and salaried private hospitals dont make that kind of money unless they are savy biotech investors!! There are some docs making a lot of money but then again so do grad students when they join a biotech and get stock options lol.


09/16/07 10:48 PM

#52379 RE: acgood #52375

My old neighbor was the chief resident in cardiothoracic surgery at UCLA. He average $8/hour for 3 yrs and that was after 3 yrs of residency where he made $10 per hour. He went straight straight through college, med school, internship and residency . His 1st real job was when he turned 33. IMO he deserved the $350K starting salary he got.