F6, I have to agree. There is an awareness across the a wide spectrum of Americans, rich and poor, black and white, that the stakes have never been higher and we as a people and a country are truly at a crossroad regarding our country as we know it, and have known it. In my daily contacts with individuals from all walks of life resides an uneasiness that something is terribly wrong. Even good friends of mine who are dye in the wool Republicans, conservative in every meaning of the word, sense much of current policy does not pass the sniff test. And Democrats, who have been silent and soft of backbone have stiffened up and there is some fire in their eyes. Say what you want about Dean, but he is not afraid of the good fight and I credit his persona and message at a time when no Democrat would take a stand as the spark that is creating what I view as a reawakening for those slinking on the sidelines while being labeled with the 'L' word. I doubt we will change many hard core Republicans and they get out and vote (which is why their leadership is more organized than EVER in ensuring they get out and vote) but I do believe the record turnouts we are witnessing in various states is an indication people are aware, they care and they are willing to stand up and reclaim their country. This is going to be a nasty process unlike any election in my lifetime as the stakes truly have never been higher.