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09/13/07 10:56 PM

#293033 RE: hap0206 #293032

I'm done playing with you for tonight hap.

You really are a hopeless (or is it a hapless) cause.

Poor you.
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09/13/07 10:56 PM

#293035 RE: hap0206 #293032

and of course you get to vote for it in Nov 2008

And of course i HOPE you trot out Yogi, Cheney, Rummy and the Tap Dancer and you lose BIG time. Bring those LOSERS on!
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09/14/07 2:11 AM

#293071 RE: hap0206 #293032

>>>but maybe, just maybe the regime in Iran is destroyed before your vote......hope is eternal<<<

So here you are......pretending to support US military forces that are losing 100 soldiers a month against a country that doesn't have armed forces.....period. Then you take another breath and hope for war with Iran. We're tapped out in Iraq with 150,000 troops.....correct?

Iran Military Strength

Available Military Manpower: 18,319,545
Total Military Personnel: 11,770,000
Active Frontline Personnel: 420,000
Aircraft: 954
Armor: 2,380
Artillery: 4,594
Missile Defense: 1,760
Infantry Support Systems: 12,500
Naval Units: 65
Merchant Marines: 143

Troops have a special place in their hearts for supporters like you hap.....scared shitless armchair warriors who'll point the military to the next suicide mission so their all american comfort can be maintained. Those I've talked to only have one request though.......that you show up more often and convey your recommendations face to face. They have opinions too you know...

If you ever build up the courage to go, be sure to bring someone to drive you back home.
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09/14/07 7:49 AM

#293083 RE: hap0206 #293032

Susie's in the majority. Americans want the troops home. By why should people's opinions count in a Democracy? Americans need only shut up and vote every couple of years for one of the two wealthy candidates they're presented with as a "choice".

Published on (

Poll Finds Majority Want to Bring Our Troops Home from Iraq in 6 Months
By Bob Fertik
Created 09/12/2007 - 1:17pm
As Congress considers President Bush's request for another $200 billion for Iraq, 54% of Americans want Bush to bring U.S. troops home within 6 months, according to a telephone poll of 618 adults conducted from September 6-9, 2007 by ICR [1].

An overwhelming majority (73%) of Americans want U.S. troops home in a year, the poll found.

This is the first poll that asked voters to choose between President Bush's funding request of $200 billion and other funding options.

The single largest group - 40% - want Bush to bring U.S. troops home within 6 months using funds Congress has already given him for Iraq, which now totals $450 billion [2]. That is the position advocated by Democratic Presidential candidate Rep. Dennis Kucinich.

Another 14% would give President Bush $50 billion more to bring our troops home within 6 months.

Another 19% would give President Bush $200 billion more - the amount he requested - but would require a deadline to bring U.S. troops safely home within a year.

Just one in eight Americans (13%) support the Republican position of giving Bush a $200 billion check without any deadline.

We asked this question:

President Bush wants Congress to spend 200 billion dollars more in tax dollars next year to keep U.S. troops in Iraq with no plans to bring them home. Should Congress:

Total Dem Ind Rep
Give President Bush 200 billion dollars without conditions 12.8% 5.4% 10.4% 31%
Give President Bush 200 billion dollars but require him to bring all U.S. troops safely home within a year 19.1% 16.2% 19.9% 19.8%
Give President Bush 50 billion dollars to bring U.S. troops safely home within 6 Months 13.8% 13.9% 19.9% 9.6%
Require President Bush to use existing funds to bring U.S. troops safely home within 6 months 40.4% 56.4% 38.5% 22.5%
Don't know 10.8% 5.8% 9.7% 13.6%
Refused to answer 3.2% 2.3% 1.5% 3.3%

Among Republican voters, a solid 52% majority support a deadline of one year or less, while just 31% support a blank check for President Bush. Remarkably, 23% of Republicans support the Kucinich position of bringing troops home within 6 months using existing funds.

Democratic leaders have not presented their own funding plan, but said last week they were leaning towards providing Bush with his full request of $200 billion with no deadlines - the position supported by just 13% of Americans.

In July, leaders of the Progressive Caucus [3] told President Bush they would only provide new funds to bring U.S. troops safely home by the end of his term in January 2009, which is now 16 months away. They did not specify how much funding they would support. 70 Members of Congress (including Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul) signed this letter, and several more Members are expected to sign in the coming days.


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