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09/07/07 1:30 PM

#4659 RE: bartermania #4658

ibox/material/edit: Fraud is defined as being a deception deliberately practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain. These documents have all been traced and proven to be fraudulent. On December 23, 1913, Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act which illegally transferred Congress’ power to coin money and regulate the value thereof, to a consortium of private bankers. This was an unconstitutional act in violation of Article I, Section 8, paragraph 5, Constitution for the United States. Nowhere does the Constitution authorize Congress to delegate such power. There is nothing federal about the Federal Reserve System and there is irrefutable evidence that it is a privately owned corporation whose class A Stockholders are various international bankers of which, less than half are citizens of the United States. In place of real, lawful money (gold and silver coin) as legal tender, the Federal Reserve issues private commercial paper for only the cost of the paper and ink, then exchanges it for interest bearing United States Bonds to be repaid in the labor and substance of the American People. The absolute reason why Congress must control the issuance of our currency is because congress “cannot” charge interest for the use of what should be our money. The bankers, however, “can” charge interest for the use of their unconstitutional paper (fiat) money. Americans should not pay for the use of “their” money. If the Federal Reserve System were abolished, their collection agency, the Internal Revenue Service, could likewise be abolished. The Constitution allows the operation of government to be financed from duties, imposts and excises, which amounted to approximately $500 billion before NAFTA was passed. That amount would sufficiently support the functioning of the United States Government if it were not burdened with an ever increasing bureaucracy. This act surrendered a power so great that the owners of the Federal Reserve were capable of creating the depression of the 1930s by withdrawing $80 billion from circulation of the economy, bankrupting the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA on June 5, 1933, effectively placing the international bankers in the position of trustee/creditor of our national assets.