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09/07/07 11:53 AM

#4650 RE: bartermania #4649

ibox link/material/edit: Debt-money ='s prepetual slavery, misery, constant hardship and death. it is a monetary system that creates nearly complete control over those using/forced to use (via/as a result of the corrupted one's laws) such a currency//ie. the population is being put ever further into debt by it's (the false/fraudlent/insidiously inverted/purely harmful currency-medium of exchange) existence and use. those issuing the "money" fraud/scam/enslavement scheme-mechanism eventually will own everything. these fraudsters/bankers/global elites issue and create these debt-notes and debt-credits from nothing...get people to do real work and put up real things (of/with real value) against these plantation Earth insane controllers/masters' debtnote+interest mindcontrol/social control paper and totally unjust contracts. when they/the elites bankrupt people...these criminals get real things/with real value in place of the vacuous/completely transitory notes/credit/death dealing financial instruments that they alone create/issue and control. freedom and prosperity do not exist under debt money systems. the belief that such is the case, is purely and completely an illusion and a great big lie/hoax upon those thus enslaved and burdened by/with it. (more later)....the issue is private for profit banks controlling a nation's currency and credit through a national or central bank like the current Fed Bank & it's US banking system (this is a plank from Marx's Communist Manefesto as well/this country...the USA...has become a Socialist nation buy deceit. WAKE-UP!!!) that is exactly was what Jefferson and those who fought for liberty from England and King George III (the King's Bank during The War for Independence) did not want. they fought for the right to have their own national legal tender "money"/currency...and ideally: debt and interest free. - (btm/kdp) there are solutions to this most odious of all problems (it is intertwined with personal integrity/individual character/morality). there are better ways to live. good people must take -are charged with- the responsibilty for making them real and maintaining them. that is the real burden and challenge to and for those who care. those who know/those who understand/those who cannot do otherwise than do the right thing/find the best way/seek the ideal solution...we have the responsibility to make things better in all respects. educate others and create positive change in all things that are possible whenever and where ever you can. i will do so as well. 4 Sept.'07 updated

We live and work within societies now based upon lies, fraud, theft and force. There are much better ways for our societies and systems to be built, run and maintained. We discuss such things here and i for one am willing to act upon my beliefs. That is my natural right/God given right/universal right. I do not accept the idea of being born into slavery in any form. The passage of the Federal Reserve (Banking) Act in 1913 (it's systems and powers), was the covert coup of the USA and the demise of our Republic. The "Fed. Bank" (largely a group of private for profit international bankers) succeeded in bankrupting the USA in 1933 by bankrupting itself. It did this by getting laws passed that held the USA governement/ie. "the people" responsible for it's debts. Through treasonous misuse of their asset currency (redeemable in US treasury gold), they were able to steal all the gold in the US treasury (the presidents at the time and the US legislature and courts were often asleep at the wheel, were paided-off, and/or joined in the pillaging of the people they continue to do now). They changed the US from the strongest country in the world after WWI (with 60% of all the world's gold) into a country more than 100 billion $US in debt by 1933. This State of affairs, laws and reality needs to be reversed/undone/removed (our being controlled, scammed and made perpetual debt-slaves to international bankers, thieves, crooks, liars and so on). The sooner the control of the Republic is returned to the people, the sooner the health, vitality, prosperity and natural/God given/universal freedoms of the people should return to them. Freedom is not free. Doing the right thing, a good thing and/or the best thing is likely harder than doing just any old thing most of the time. Even required maintenance is required work. There are better ways to live people. Let's find them and make them real. -batermania/kdp-