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09/07/07 12:15 PM

#818 RE: Koikaze #817


There have been revolutions in the past and
more to come in the future!
What other way does mankind know to
bring change?
No other way is allowed.
Those who've had widespread influence
the spirit of man,
were murdered.

The opportunity we have
during this time of chaos
and confusion, is to know
what's causing the conflict.

The only way to know what's
causing the conflict is to make
the choice to remain open to the
The only way to remain open,
is to hold tight to whatever
tiny bit of awareness we possess
that isn't attached to a need.
To the awareness that
Hmmm, what can I say about awareness
that makes sense...
Take this example-
Someone asks you your age;
your say-"I'm ????
BUT I don't
feel that old"

Because the awareness that is aware
of the "you" that is the "I'm Fred, male, 29, etc,"
is ageless.
Nobody feels their age, no matter what age they are.

This is a poor example but it's the best
I've got.

Our education system is controlled by
those who allow minimal
growth of confidence and creativity...
forget about natural intelligence....that's
more about genetics.
An informed population is a population
difficult to control.
A well-to-do population is hard to control.

We've witnessed the breakdown of traditional
religious institutions.
Take the catholic church.
Classic example of hypocrisy.
Sexual molesters have been protected
for years and years, until the lid blew.

The lid blew because the urge to
want to experience our creator is not
being satisfied by traditional
religions. In fact, traditional religions
with their rigidity, inhibits one
from asking and seeking.

They teach us that god is up there
or out here....and that's fine...
but the effect it has is that it carries
over into every aspect of our lives.
We search for happiness up there or
out here and things out here will
never fill the void, never.

The founding fathers by the very
act of shuffling around the race issue,
could not have intended democracy to
be a society of freedom for all.
Therefore, there's nothing in the Constitution
which emphatically states
"regardless of race...."
so the foundation was shaky to begin with.
Were they influenced by their own prejudice or
by some other "factor!"
I can't answer that one Fred because I can't
prove it.

I'll cont. this in a bit...
sorry no time to proof either...

Mankind has been searching
for eons on happiness. In spite of
our current comfort level, we're more miserable
than ever.


09/07/07 2:10 PM

#822 RE: Koikaze #817


Revolution is the result
of stress for a million
unanswered why's and how's.

No answers come forth from
our leaders only more secrecy and
more lies...

the pressure is mounting
and for the average citizen
to enter a revolution without
fully knowing why or the rules
of the game, is what can be
different with this one.
We all know
we've done the
the bidding for the greedy bastards,
we know been manipulated,
by men who can control the strings
through using wealth
they've made off our taxes,
selling drugs to children, and selling
weapons to our "enemies!"

Let the revolution happen with
understanding that it is not
average citizens on this planet
in other countries who are the enemy