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09/04/07 7:16 PM

#290360 RE: seabass #290327

you won't even look at what I have offered to this board since late 04. nor even today.

here this is just for you


09/04/07 8:14 PM

#290394 RE: seabass #290327

seabass - you have easymoney in the wrong category,...

easymoney has passion !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FOOL,...Websters Dictionary: Pronunciation: \'fül\ Function: noun

a person lacking in judgment or prudence; a harmlessly deranged person or one lacking in common powers of understanding



a fool doesn't care about facts or even concerns themselves with them. the action of a fool is inconsistent and without any merit,...


PASSION: Webster Dictionary: Pronunciation: \pa'shen\
Function: noun

a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept



a person with a passion for what they believe in has a basis for which they stand. a person of passion also has the ability to change and re-orientate themselves when facts are presented that can deepen their passion and commitment or re-approach their passion with other reasoning in place.


i submit you are an individual that does know how to interact with a person of passion, who lives their life with passion and speaks from a passionate place about a subject they deeply are concerned with.

why do i say that,...because the way you have approached this is to evaluate it with your passionless position,...

a.k.a envy

ENVY; Pronunciation: \en-ve'Function: noun

Definition; painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage.

news flash,...your light does not get brighter when you blow out someone else's,...

deal with it