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08/31/07 10:27 PM

#9939 RE: dapro #9929

It doesn't matter - the people who matter (fund managers and analysts) know. It's simply a numbers game. If they all refer to them as INTC making them, MRVL still gets the revenues and the street only cares really about that.

The key to MRVL moving higher in a big way is simply their ability to either actually report .80 or better next year or be able to FRIGGN SPIN THAT REALITY IN THEIR STUPID CONFERENCE CALLS!

Why the hell they are paying Rashkin $350k a year is BEYOND me. Hell, pay me $250k to be CSO for the damn company! In case you're wondering, that's Chief Spin Officer.


Think about it - The conference call would start out like this ---

And now I pass the call over to questions from analysts to MRVL's CSO, SyndicateTwo. Please go ahead with your question...

Our first question comes from David Wu of Global Crown Capital. Please go ahead with your question...

David Wu
--Thanks guys, first, I'd like to know what CSO stands for. I've never heard of that title before.

--Good afternoon David.

David Wu
--Good afternoon to you, too. Did I get an answer?

-- Yes.

David Wu
-- Uh, okay. Anyway, my question is regarding your quarterly guidance. You say that you expect to do $3.5Bill in revenues for the year. Is that correct? That's pretty impressive that you're able to see that kind of visability going forward without actually having those orders in place. Is this a result of design wins we don't know about?

--Well, let's just say that since we can't specifically talk about our customers by name and the super-duper-d-duper design wins from them....[cough]...exuse me..[cough--aaaaaple]..oh, excuse me for that. I forgot to wash down that sandwich. Good thing I ate that aaaaappppll along with it. Anyway, back to what I was saying... Since we figure that because everyone wants the products that our technology makes work and connect to via our wireless 802 chipsets so they can watch web pages on their handheld gadgets via operating systems that aren't window's based, we figure based on projected sales numbers published by various websites that only focus on computers other than those run by MSFT, we easily can extrapolate that our revenues can easily surpase $3 bill this fiscal year.

David Wu
--Did I get that straight? Did you say basically that you have indeed won the Iphone contract or some other AAPL based product line?

--I didn't say that. You did. Don't put words in my mouth. I just said I ate and Apple for lunch and that our Xscale processor/baseband combo chip runs a cellphone not run by windows mobile.

David Wu
--That means AAPL.

--Does it? Hmm. I'll have to think about that. Anyway, we easily figure our net margins will be around 50% or so. Our expenses will be coming to an end soon and we'll soon be on th path to major profitability. Actually, super-d-duper profitability.

Our next question comes from Cody Acree. Please go ahead...

Cody Acree
--Great news guys. I'm excited about your future as I'm sure everyone else listening is. My question is simple -- What the hell kind of name is Syndicatetwo? Who the hell names their kid THAT??

And basically, the whole call would be as entertaining as that.