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08/31/07 11:56 AM

#72913 RE: langostino #72911

NBC Universal

I think it is time to start organizing the iTard generations into a powerful market force that can bring companies to their knees if they do not generate enough revenue and earnings for Apple, Inc.

The slogan could be "I wear white ear buds and I buy - and I can also boycott"

Before too long we'll have an iTard political party and we'll be electing local, state, and federal officials. The power behind the throne will be the Fake Steve Jobs and his cabinet of Fake Statesmen and Analysts.

Then someday, we'll all be sitting in a big hall listening to the words of His Steveness on a big screen - someone will run in carrying a big hammer that they will use to shatter the screen.

It will be time for the next movement :)