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08/31/07 10:10 AM

#22858 RE: cardvic #22851

To the contrary, I deleted about 10 posts total. I actually debated people on the board and if I felt they were out of line according to the repetitive nature of their posts I took it to PM and tried to work it out with them. Some of those people and I became quite cordial with as a result. So you are wrong about whether no one was allowed to challenge me as if I had some giant ego. No, in fact, I was the one who tried to lay down a different level of conduct during my time on the board and that included some things that rubbed people the wrong way like saying I did not want the board to be used to collect share counts. I issued long statements that I did not want to see To Da Moon posts and I wanted to avoid a climate found in stocks like SLJB and their likes. I had my periods of enthusiasm, but that eventually waned. And the fact is it is I who was there demanding transparency for the shareholders. I fought like hell for it and it got me nowhere. Eventually I left because the actions and words of INXR did not add up. But I was in it to make money and it could have been sweet. Quite honestly, because it is a pink sheet and it would have been traded heavily if it truly ran to the moon, I would have had to sell out too if it had broken a penny. And it could have been a classic pink sheet runner even if the company never did amount to a hill of beans. But since they have shown every intention of selling huge blocks of billions of shares to somebody for very little it was INXR that killed any such possibility. That is all their doing. I'm just confirming the bad vibe about this stock now, not creating it. Nothing hypocritical about that. Good luck to you


08/31/07 10:53 AM

#22864 RE: cardvic #22851

And to answer your question as to why I didn't say anything when I left the board so long ago the answer is this:

The stock was much higher then and still in the teens. I knew that if at the time I resigned from the board I had immediately slammed the company I would have indeed caved in the share price far, far faster than its subsequent decline.

I was giving everyone the chance to draw their own conclusions so they could take their exit at the best possible price for them. In the half year since those chances were presented then and one more time on the pump surrounding the release and now those opportunities have evaporated.

In case you haven't noticed, a huge amount of dilution occurred around the PRs and pumping surrounding the release. What makes you think all of the current shady PM'ing about the next round of PRs is going to be any different? They may just try to get you all to load up even more by releasing a new round of PRs in September.

Furthermore, when I left I was still waiting on some of their words to be measured up against the results of their actions. I was sufficiently discouraged by them at that point to leave, but I could not conclusively say yet how everything they claimed would turn out.

Subsequently, I have grown to believe there is almost no chance at all they ever wrote their own program. Just to avoid charges of slander I won't say I am 100% certain, but I can say with great confidence I see nothing that indicates INXR did anything more than rent the modules from CMA and modified them. You saw their PR. They stated it was 100% their coding. Well, in a court of law, if there were a class action lawsuit, a forensic look at their programs should take care of all that. With Windows 95 references and reports of Portuegeuese language being embedded in their code it seems there is little to say other than shame on them. But it doesn't even work very well the little they did release so what exactly is there left to defend here? That all played out AFTER I left so I was not ready to condemn them yet for shoddy product lacking in most of the promised features. And since their product should speak for itself I did not have to nor should I have at the time of my departure. Comprende?

I let people learn and decide for themselves. You had all the time in the world. Don't blame me for you not having the ability to determine the quality of this company half a year after I left. Now that it is scraping the gutter again all I see is the bottom line for the company improving at your expense and somehow people think it is a company with a future when it has not got a shot in hell of competing with any financial services firm out there so you can drop all the fantasies about INXR becoming some big success.

But even sustaining a user community of 500 users is beyond these guys. They really just are not that competent, but since I'm convinced they rented product and passed it off as their own original work I don't think it really matters since it was more about posing as a legit company than in really intended to make it as one. You could make the argument Drew is completely incompetent and not a crook, but then you have to look at their behavior and say it is a moot point.

I am the guy who met them earlier on and repeatedly argued for transparency. I pushed them and they promised it and never did it. All of this talk about financials is tripe. Pure nonsense. They could open the TA today with a single phone call. But they will not.

I am the guy who argued the shareholders viewpoint aggressively. I pushed them to not dilute and hold out until the share price was much higher. Pretty basic mathematical plea don't you think? No go. They dilute by selling huge blocks of billions of shares for very, very little. They are not your friends.

I am the guy who told them it was unacceptable to have Drew capture 35% of revenues. WTF is that? Are you kidding me? Yes they said, we will remove that. Sure guys, whatever you say.

I am the guy who formulated for them the whole premise of targetting their services for the microcap community and what did they do? They targetted the microcap share buyers and spent money on advertising without building a quality product they can call their own. They promoted themselves at the expense of the product. Disgusting.

I am the guy who re-branded the products for them.

I am the guy who fought for you the shareholders so don't tell me I'm a hypocrite. INXR did the hypocritical things by promising you caviar and feeding you garbage while they destroyed your equity by shoveling billions of shares into the hands of what they call financiers for chump change.

They took the sure thing and cashed you all out. That's the truth.