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08/29/07 11:20 AM

#106969 RE: eminence gris #106966

What can I say about your post, richkan? OTHER THAN,

I can dig it. bring it on!!

have a great day, and thank you for your post.



08/29/07 11:20 AM

#106970 RE: eminence gris #106966

Richkan Thanks for your observations and input.Great news coming I'm sure

ac hotfries

08/29/07 11:21 AM

#106971 RE: eminence gris #106966


do you believe that the next step in the process would be an announcement regarding a consortium that you have alluded to, or do we hear about the closing of the investigations first?



08/29/07 11:29 AM

#106973 RE: eminence gris #106966

VERY interesting!! Such an arrangement would solve a lot of logistical problems with the development of blocks 1-4 as well, with much savings due to economies of scale.

Please do not be a stranger here, richkan. You input is very much appreciated.



08/29/07 11:42 AM

#106975 RE: eminence gris #106966

Thanks, Richkan, now WOULDN'T THAT BE SOMETHING ??!!



08/29/07 11:53 AM

#106977 RE: eminence gris #106966

Richkan, very interesting and within the range of Offor's creative endeavors in Nigeria. Have to see how it all evolves.

Top Drive

08/29/07 12:23 PM

#106982 RE: eminence gris #106966

richkan, I think Duane Morris was hired for some good reason. They apparently are international public company deal gurus delux. There be something going on, in my humble opinion. I just can't connect the dots and figure it out. Oh well, in the fullness of time we will all know. In the meantime, GLTA. EOM


08/29/07 12:27 PM

#106984 RE: eminence gris #106966

Excellent possible scenario that I think could really come to fruition. SEO could enhance his position in many ways by exchanging a portion of his shares, at a premium, for shares of say Addax or some other real oil company. He might even get a seat on the board of the new company. If he traded 50% of his shares in ERHC at a 6 to 1 ratio for shares of Addax then technically he would not be reducing his involvement but would really enhance his and our position. SEO would benefit immediately by the pps appreciation of ERHC and long term by the faster developement that a real oil company could provide. I really like your scenario of a new entity formation as the best path for our future. GLTA


08/29/07 12:34 PM

#106986 RE: eminence gris #106966

Yup, picked up another 25k @ .271.


08/29/07 1:50 PM

#106995 RE: eminence gris #106966

It's definitely morale boosting having a General join the Foot Soldiers on the frontline of battle for decent information/informed speculation. What a change of pace! What a relief!

Sir Richard, thank you!



08/29/07 5:35 PM

#107017 RE: eminence gris #106966

"It would mark the beginning for extraordinary pps appreciation, even following the 20+ times enhancement "soon" to be enjoyed by current ERHE holders."

I don't like that word. I really, really don't like it. Anyone that has ever used it in the context of describing an ERHC event of any kind has been horrifically wrong.

What does "soon" mean when discussing ERHC or the JDZ for that matter, 5 years? 10?


08/29/07 9:01 PM

#107036 RE: eminence gris #106966

Richkan...If they're going to share exploration and developing in the blocks, they may as well form a company to do so. Great post.....and it surely would enhance SEO's holdings:

"Sir Emeka Offor, the former Nigerian chairman of Houston- based ERHC Energy has said that he has no plans to divest his interest in ERHC. Indeed, he is currently consulting on enhancement of that holding."


08/30/07 12:52 AM

#107054 RE: eminence gris #106966


Who, exactly, is going to provide the funds to place our value near $6? What you are talking about is a merger of sorts. Normally these happen based on converting each share price to a certain, and equal, level by means of adjusting the overall share this case it would require a RS of 20:1

Maybe I'm missing something but added value doesn't just occur out of thin air.



08/30/07 4:42 AM

#107071 RE: eminence gris #106966

It is my belief/understanding that ERHC's fair value is around $3.00 today. That said, a dollar number between $4 and $6 would be a healthy premium to attach.

The writing is on the wall. Some fail to have the ability to read it......but its there and has been for some time IMHO. A great way for a large shareholder to retain the upside (read: SEO) to form a new company that includes ultra deep capability.

Yep, enhancement would certainly be the formation of a "capable" ultra deep oil company" which will include a CEO and CFO :o) A company that could "stand on its own" and allow SEO to step out of the running of ERHC.

Some can see the writing on the wall, others obviously have to see it in ink before considering it a possibility.

Any co selling crow will likely spike up in the near term.

Love this line by Richkan,

"this new entity would be a dominant force in the JDZ and Gulf of Guinea, as well as providing and offering the legitimate currency for major public investors."

Does the above line sound like SEO? Sure does to me. I'm betting it has his go ahead. Otherwise.....why'd he give up his power and control at this late stage???????? Hint: He wouldn't have IMHO.


08/30/07 7:21 AM

#107075 RE: eminence gris #106966

that RARE public message by SEO should be a screaming buy signal for his local boys

- they always seem to come bargain hunting about this time

- perhaps they are still getting their cash together


09/02/07 1:40 PM

#107349 RE: eminence gris #106966

Makes me wonder how a real force could be put together:

Posted by: oilphant
In reply to: None Date:3/8/2007 11:29:16 PM
Post #of 107348

Addax&Equator announcements small fries, Chevron&Sinopec announcement will be the one to put focus on JDZ for the next round


Posted by: Nightdaytrader
In reply to: None Date:3/8/2007 11:48:16 PM
Post #of 107348

Chevron could partner with China oil producers
By Joe Carroll Bloomberg News

Published: September 14, 2006

Chevron, the second-largest U.S. oil company after ExxonMobil, is in talks to join with Chinese petroleum producers on exploration and production projects one year after beating out Cnooc, a Chinese oil company, to acquire Unocal.

The company is in discussions with Cnooc, PetroChina and China Petroleum & Chemical, known as Sinopec, "to explore partnership opportunities both inside and outside of China," said Steve Del Regno, managing director of Chevron's liquefied natural gas trading business in Asia. The talks could lead to joint development of oil and gas deposits, he said.

Chevron, which opened an office in Beijing earlier this year, seeks to capitalize on growing petroleum demand in the world's most populous nation. Cnooc is already a partner with Chevron and Woodside Petroleum in a gas export project off the coast of Western Australia that made its first shipment of liquefied natural gas, or LNG, to China in June.

"Cnooc and Sinopec are looking for U.S. partners so they can gain access to oil for China," said Mark Kajita, a fund manager at Baker Boyer Bancorp.

The chief executive officer of Chevron, David O'Reilly, has expanded in Asia to tap oil and gas reserves close to booming markets in China and India. The San Ramon, California-based company bought a $300 million stake in Reliance Petroleum of India in April that is expected to help finance a new refinery in Gujarat and open the door to exploration deals with Reliance's parent.

"Chevron views China as an important market for LNG in the future, and we want to remain engaged with potential customers and trading partners here," Del Regno said Tuesday at the U.S.-China Oil & Gas Industry Forum in Hangzhou, China. "We value this relationship and hope it continues to grow."

Sinopec, the largest Asian maker of gasoline, diesel and other fuels refined from crude oil, could also be interested in gaining access to Chevron's network of filling stations to increase Sinopec's share of the global retail fuels market, Kajita, of Baker Boyer, said.

Cnooc abandoned an $18.5 billion cash bid for Unocal in August 2005, after concluding that U.S. lawmakers would scuttle any deal on the grounds of national security.

Chevron, the second-largest U.S. oil company after ExxonMobil, is in talks to join with Chinese petroleum producers on exploration and production projects one year after beating out Cnooc, a Chinese oil company, to acquire Unocal.

The company is in discussions with Cnooc, PetroChina and China Petroleum & Chemical, known as Sinopec, "to explore partnership opportunities both inside and outside of China," said Steve Del Regno, managing director of Chevron's liquefied natural gas trading business in Asia. The talks could lead to joint development of oil and gas deposits, he said.

Chevron, which opened an office in Beijing earlier this year, seeks to capitalize on growing petroleum demand in the world's most populous nation. Cnooc is already a partner with Chevron and Woodside Petroleum in a gas export project off the coast of Western Australia that made its first shipment of liquefied natural gas, or LNG, to China in June.

"Cnooc and Sinopec are looking for U.S. partners so they can gain access to oil for China," said Mark Kajita, a fund manager at Baker Boyer Bancorp.

The chief executive officer of Chevron, David O'Reilly, has expanded in Asia to tap oil and gas reserves close to booming markets in China and India. The San Ramon, California-based company bought a $300 million stake in Reliance Petroleum of India in April that is expected to help finance a new refinery in Gujarat and open the door to exploration deals with Reliance's parent.

"Chevron views China as an important market for LNG in the future, and we want to remain engaged with potential customers and trading partners here," Del Regno said Tuesday at the U.S.-China Oil & Gas Industry Forum in Hangzhou, China. "We value this relationship and hope it continues to grow."

Sinopec, the largest Asian maker of gasoline, diesel and other fuels refined from crude oil, could also be interested in gaining access to Chevron's network of filling stations to increase Sinopec's share of the global retail fuels market, Kajita, of Baker Boyer, said.

Cnooc abandoned an $18.5 billion cash bid for Unocal in August 2005, after concluding that U.S. lawmakers would scuttle any deal on the grounds of national security.


09/05/07 9:29 PM

#107527 RE: eminence gris #106966

From S. Freeds last post (8-23-07):

"As for Offor selling; I doubt he'd do anything until some value is returned to the company by the above events. He may sell some then, but I think something a little more creative is more likely to occur."

From Richkans last post (8-29-07):

"...SEO plans to add value to ERHC through a consortium of companies forming a new publicly held entity whereby ERHC becomes an integral part at a valuation somewhere below, but not far, Oilphant's <$6/share post, and in the process no longer will be ERHE.OB."

I would say the formation of a new public entity would be "creative".


01/13/08 12:15 PM

#115577 RE: eminence gris #106966

(( Richkan ))... You stirred up the hive pretty good with this previous post of yours. Has your opinion in this post strengthened or weakened?

Were still directionally challenged and need all the input

Appreciate your opinion. THnx


04/30/08 7:34 PM

#127218 RE: eminence gris #106966

Sure seems to still be kicking.......