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01/28/04 5:04 PM

#11725 RE: bag8ger #11724

I understand now, if Greenspan suggested rate increases in the forseeable future.

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01/28/04 5:22 PM

#11727 RE: bag8ger #11724

What if Chrysler was the only company whose cars had automatic transmissions?

I still wouldn't buy one. <g> IMHO, the economy is going nowhere fast. We're still financing economic growth with debt. The only difference is that whereas in the 90s' it was corporate credit, now it's consumer and federal - both of which are at all time highs. I don't expect that to change because:

1. We have a problem retaining the labor that we want - tech/service jobs that are being subed out to India and China.

2. We are not willing to work for the jobs that remain - hence granting legal status to working illegal aliens so that companies can keep their pricing power.

3. There is no industry out there that is poised to lead the economy. Biotech? maybe... in, like, 5-10 years from now. IMO, "jump starting" the economy doesn't work if there is no engine for growth.

I don't think we're going to hell in a hand basket either, though. At least, I hope not.
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01/28/04 5:50 PM

#11730 RE: bag8ger #11724

bag -

I read through DNAP's statin application and the one thing that stood out to me was that there was a lot of information that wasn't reported in the present application. Atorvastatin was the only drug whose progress was detailed even though we know they've been working through the others as well.

IMO, the award of patents is not as pressing a concern as you might think. Ultimately, it's crucial. But the key right now is establishing more revenue streams. They need to get retinome and ovanome to a point of completion so that they are able to support themselves without further dilution once the 8MM runs out. That has to start soon because they are creating new markets with each product.

I haven't been following GNSC closely anymore. Their sudden shift to a service based business model doesn't make sense to me. How profitable can it possibly be? Especially when their one big stick, the haplotype map, is going to be published in the public domain in a few years?

I know that their initial results from the Strength trial were disappointing. The majority of the genes that turned up in that study were false positives and the one gene that they did trump as a success was already in the public domain.