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08/23/07 12:35 PM

#287391 RE: hap0206 #287387

I thought that Yogi gave Vietnam most favored nation trading status this year didn't he? Why was that? Sure was a disaster pulling the plug on the grinder over there wasn't it? LOL


08/23/07 12:38 PM

#287392 RE: hap0206 #287387

This year remind you of what happened 20 years ago this year Mr. Zero under your last hero?


08/23/07 12:50 PM

#287393 RE: hap0206 #287387

BAIL OUT, BAIL OUT, BAIL OUT, AGAIN AND AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why is that?????????????????????????????????


08/23/07 2:17 PM

#287404 RE: hap0206 #287387

Although federal examiners knew Silverado was leaking cash as early as 1985, it wasn't closed down until December 1988, a month after Bush was elected president. Because Silverado kept leaking cash for those three years, it ended up costing taxpayers more than a billion dollars.

Yogi is well versed in BAILOUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


08/23/07 2:31 PM

#287408 RE: hap0206 #287387

>>>Continue the war as authorized by congress that most voted for<<<

Wasn't there something in that war authorization that required him to exhaust all diplomatic efforts and to go to war only to protect the country from an imminent threat?


08/23/07 3:39 PM

#287450 RE: hap0206 #287387

Again...what do you think the WH/Petreaus Report will say?