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01/27/04 3:12 AM

#24419 RE: blauboad #24417

UP. A lot.

(I am assuming it's AMD64 compatible, or an extension thereof. I think it unrealistic that they would attempt to do otherwise-- or that the market would accept it if they did.)

I doubt they want to do this more than a few months before they have product. The announcement will kill Itanium.

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01/27/04 3:16 AM

#24420 RE: blauboad #24417

Very little I would guess, after all they are not going to say they are going to second-source Opteron which would raise their stock, lol. Any plus from having Intel do x86-64 will be tempered by actually having a competitor in the same field.

Now that HP is allegedly going to sell a non-Itanium 64bit chip all bets are off. After all HP were the ones who convinced Intel to go the Itanium route in the first place.

Expect Intel x86-64 at the earliest opportunity which I think would be the Prescott Xeon Potomac version later this year.
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01/27/04 3:26 AM

#24422 RE: blauboad #24417


If the HP announcement pushes Intel to release its x86-64... or at least announce it... what exactly would that do to AMD stock? Any guesses?

Let's consider Intel alternatives:

1.) stick to Itanium
The best for AMD, less likely after today's HP rumor
2.) Go with AMD64 compatible extentions
2nd best alternative for AMD. Much more likely after today's HP rumor. 2 to 3 vendors (or 4 including Fujitsu Siemens) selling Windows AMD64 will make it less likely that Microsoft and these OEMs will support Intel's effort to push non-compatible instruction set. (As a colateral damage, Itanium suffers mortal wound)
3.) Intel releases non-compatible x86
Worst for AMD, and much less likely after today's HP rumor.

So #2 is the most likely scenario, which happens to be a decent scenario from AMD's perspective. It remains to be seen how much lead AMD has, how far along Intel is on this road. I hope that Intel has been faithful to the Itanium mirage for a very long time.
