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08/17/07 10:15 AM

#3863 RE: LONGSLS #3862

Why are all of you whining about about investretard? You gave him so much credibility when he was pumping all of you full of nothing but pure fantasy. You liked it then because you really wanted to beleive that all of the issues that have been apparent for YEARS were not correct. I speak especially of issues that were illuminated on the Yahoo board by sucks, frycook, arch and others.

You loved it when investretard, buda, warturd, Keith and others continued to deny the reality that was obvious to anyone with a lick of common sense and would post their nonsense that had no merit then. The nonsense that they would post daily to pump up this stock seems comical now that a bit of time passed and the rather obvious has played out with this POS.

Another comical move was to move off the Yahoo board to get away from all of the negativity (Reality) to your own discussion boards where investretard could boot people of if they smiled wrong. It was quite a lovefest. No negative (reality) allowed. Investretard would shower the delusional SLS culties daily with his "secret" information about big deals coming down the pike, all of which were were nothing but the pure fabrication of someone caught up in his/her delusions of granduer.

Now you are all made at your "Golden Boy" and call for the censoring of his negativity. When will you people finally understand that this gig call SLS is over? The buying that you see and interpret as something big happening is nothing more than market makers covering their short positions.

Look bagholders, stop living in denial and get on with your lives. Elvis really is dead, Investretard never had any credibility, and no this stock is not going to $4.00 ever. (unless there is a massive reverse split) As for those of you hallucination about SLS getting financing, wake up and see what is going on in the credit markets. ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! as for additional equity ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN EITHER!