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08/14/07 2:16 PM

#4619 RE: croumagnon #4618

>The real question is how "infinitesimal" is that amount of DNA transference, if any, and can it down the line create problems for these patients.<

There is no "transference" insofar as goat DNA getting into human DNA. The DNA infused into the bloodstream will not enter cells, for all practical purposes.

Anyone who has had a single steak in their lifetime will have consumed more "animal" DNA than if they were on a continuous Atryn drip for the rest of their life.

Also note the digestive tract does not figure into the supposed risks posed by DNA contamination in the Atryn preparation.


08/14/07 2:42 PM

#4622 RE: croumagnon #4618

Goat antigen in ATryn is at or below the level of detection of the most sensitive assays, which is about 5 ppm (see #msg-21459812, bottom half of post).


08/14/07 4:12 PM

#4628 RE: croumagnon #4618

<You already had two good answers from PGS and floblu. However, your question goes to the core of what makes people nervous about transgenics. In short, the concept of mixing the DNA's of animals into humans is a scary one.>

The same issues are in play for purification of proteins or antibodies from CHO cells (Chinese Hamster ovary). It may be worse since they must purify from lower yields in the initial stages. To grow tissue culture cells, the media also has additives such as calf serum, antibiotics, hormones.


08/14/07 4:14 PM

#4630 RE: croumagnon #4618

p.s. The proper term is digestive tract. A track is what a train runs on.


08/15/07 9:57 AM

#4649 RE: croumagnon #4618

No your not clueless. You are on top of this.

I appreciate the other responses I got which was to insure
me that the best possible filtration was taking place. Thank
you PGS and floblu I did get a better understanding of
the filtration process. But the answer to my question goes to
croumagnon. Which is there is no answer at all, just fear!
And speculation. Oh and gathering experience!

He understood the purpose of my inquiry and stated the fear
that some and perhaps many of the investors out there
may have. We really are not sure, but I'd say we are
safe (IMO) but it may take months of experience before some
will be able to come on board.

No Due response? Well perhaps an obvious and trivial question.