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08/14/07 11:30 AM

#106548 RE: jdaasoc #106540

Unless you count Pizza and Starbucks, there is very little milk consumption going on in China.


08/14/07 11:48 AM

#106550 RE: jdaasoc #106540

From the readers comments of the article:

<<Having read (Prof Jane Plant's book) about the increase in breast cancer in Chinese/Japanese women who follow the "new" western diet and having lost my grandmother and mother to breast cancer (with an aunt undergoing treatment right now too) I have been dairy-free for over 6 years. I hope this change to Chinese culture does not mean they pay a higher/alternative health price in the long run.
Rachel, Midhurst>>

On top of that, my sister in law lives in Iowa - she turned to 100% vegetarian after diagnosed of colon cancer 3 years ago. She went thru surgery to remove the tumor, but refused chemo. She has been cancer-free for 3 years follow-up. On top of that, she makes long-distance travels to far-flung places such as Thailand and Nepal (their daughter is a Fulbright Scholar spending one year doing research project there), South America, Caribbeans, etc - she has resumed her SCUBA diving activities 9 months after her operation.

I am not sure more dairy consumption is necessarily a good thing.